[3] Flights

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Imagine you and Shawn get into a fight because you're leaving for college in America but at the last second Shawn comes to the airport to say goodbye.

"Wait...please explain again." Shawn says staring at the ground.

"I have to leave for college, in the US." I mumble.

I was planning on telling Shawn this but, we are in such an amazing part of our relationship now I didn't want to ruin it; I guess it's too late now.

"Are you serious, are you fucking serious!" Shawn raises his voice with each word.

"I was going to tell you but you were so happy and I-"

"No, you should have told me you would be leaving to go to college in America. Not to mention it's in Florida! You could of told me so we could work it out! I'm so pissed off at you right now...I really want to yell more but you have a flight to catch." His eyes scream fury, it's making me scared.

I want to explain to him that I wanted to make this the best week of my life, instead Shawn's just yelling at me. We would've gone to college together but he didn't get so good grades.

"You know what, I do have to leave; Florida awaits!" I grab my purse and slam the door to Shawn's house.

I get in the car and start the engine, heading towards the airport. The whole ride there I get no calls or texts from Shawn; he's already over me probably. Once I arrive at the airport a man comes and helps me take out my luggage and dorm room essentials. Instead of driving I'm flying, it costs way extra for the extra luggage but my mom is paying for it since I got a full scholarship.

"Where are you heading to?" The worker tries to make small talk.

"I'm heading to Florida for college."

"Wow. Which school?"

"UCF, it's one of the largest college campuses." I state.

"Very interesting," The man stops and looks at me. "I'll take your stuff to you plane. You just go to security and wait at your gate. Have a safe flight!" I nod him thank you and take my purse and small suitcase to security.

"Next!" The TSA officer yells.

I walk up to her and hand her my passport and ticket. I see her looking behind me with a confused expression on her face. I turn around and see Shawn running towards me with only a jacket and jeans on.

"Y/N! Y/N!" He calls out.

"It's like I'm watching a movie." The officer mumbles but still has a smile on her face like it's going to be the cutest thing she's ever going to witness.

Before I can make another movement the people in line have made a pathway for him and Shawn runs up to me. My cheeks flush in embarrassment as everyone looks at us; I've never liked all the attention on me.

"Baby..." He whispers holding onto my arms.

"Get off of me, I gotta catch my flight remember?" I mock what he said earlier.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Listen I-I wasn't..."

"What Shawn? Just please fucking stop! You told me to leave so this is me leaving." I try to take another step but Shawn has a firm grip on my arms.

"I'm sorry, I was just so pissed that, that you were leaving me and I just couldn't imagine what it would be like without you." Shawn caresses me cheek and stares deeply into my eyes.

"Hurry up!" Someone shouts from the line.

"You can wait sir!" The officer next to me says.

I mouth her a 'thank you' and return my gaze back to Shawn.

"Baby girl, please." He presses our foreheads together and continues to look at me.

"I-I don't know." I mumble.

"I'll Skype you every night..." He trails off before placing his lips onto mine.

Our lips move in sync as he places his tongue into my mouth. I can't get enough of this boy, he's my light, my world. Fuck, I'm so in love with him.

I release my grip from the suitcase handle bar and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away breathless.

"As much as I want to bring you back to my house and make sweet love to you, I can't. You have a flight to catch." He whispers seductively in my ear.

"Bye Shawn." I kiss his cheek and the officer lets me go through.

I look back at Shawn and he gives me a small smile while he waves at me. I know we'll be fine, we always work things out; we always do.

As I sit down at my gate and my phone buzzes, seeing that there's multiple texts from Shawn,

Shawn: Damn I miss you already
Shawn: Counting down the days until we can have sex again.
Shawn: I miss your lips.
Shawn: I miss your body, holy shit.
Shawn: Can you pack me in the suitcase so I can come with you?
Shawn: Okay I'm done, have a safe flight darling, we'll discuss visiting dates when you land. I love you.

I put my phone back into my purse and smile like a little child to myself. Shawn is all I need, he's all I'll ever need.

Wow okay this was so cute, like everyone wants this to happen to them.

The airport scene reminded me of when Kendall went to the airport to go say goodbye to Jo (if you know what I'm talking about I love you).

Remember to vote and comment! This book is so close to 100 reads!!!! Also you can message me if you have a request for an imagine or dm me on my Instagram (holyyshawn)


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