[32] Teen Wolf

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based off the mtv show Teen Wolf

Shawn's POV

"You gotta believe me when I tell you you're a werewolf," Tyler said coming up to me with a handful of papers.

"It was just a little bite," I groan. "Nothing big."

"Okay show me it."

I lift up my shirt and peel a little at my bandage. I gasp when I see only skin. It was just last night that the wolf bit me. How did it already heal?

"Healing + getting bit by a wolf = turning into a werewolf!" Tyler shoves the papers into my face. "I stayed up all last night doing research."

We made our way into our first period class. It was History, and I was currently failing this class. Tyler sat down at the desk next to me and I handed back the papers.

"I'll read them later," I whisper before turning my attention to the front.

"Alright class, welcome. Today you'll see your assignment on..." His voice trailed out as I heard other voices.

"This is East Beverly High School, I hope you'll like it here Y/N."

I looked around the room, wondering where that was coming from. Outside the window was and administrator and a girl walking up towards the school.

"Hopefully I can find some friends here," The girl – who I assume is Y/N – says with hope in her voice.

"I'll just need you to write your name on the schedule so you won't lose it," The administrator said.

How was I hearing this conversation? It was outside, there's no possible way that I could hear it through the windows.

I heard her shuffle around in her bag, "Wow first day and I don't have a pen or pencil."

That's when I saw them stand up and walk into the school. Their footsteps became louder and louder; then suddenly the door opened and the same two people I saw outside came in.

"Students, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She's new here and I would like you to give her a warm welcome."

Everyone says 'hi' before they turn their attention back to the teacher. On instinct, I reach inside my back pack and grab an extra pencil. Luckily, the only spot open was behind me. So when Y/N sat down I turned around and gave her the pencil.

She smiled at me, "Thanks."

I gave her a quick smile back before turning back to face the front of the classroom. I couldn't help but recognize how beautiful she was. I look over at Tyler who is making pretend gagging noises. I roll my eyes at him and take another glance at Y/N.

All I know right know is that I need to get to know this girl.


i wanted to do something a little fun, so if you know teen wolf then this is when scott and allison first met. if you don't watch teen wolf, you'll still see it as a regular imagine!

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