[9] First Date

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"Honey Shawn is here!" Mom calls from downstairs.

I smooth out my dress and head downstairs to see Shawn in a suit and tie, looking very sexy.

"Don't you think this a little too extreme for a first date?" My mom asks looking between the two of us.

"Mrs.Y/L/N we've known each other for awhile now, I think this is proper for us," Shawn says before taking my hand and leading me out.

"Okay bye! Drive safe," My mom calls out before Shawn closes the door.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Shawn says kissing the top of my head.

"You look handsome, probably the only time I'll see you in a suit and tie though," I say earning a chuckle from Shawn.

"Yeah you got that right."

The rest of the ride Shawn places his hand on my thigh; he told me it keeps him calm. I don't know why though, I mean it's just a thigh.

Shawn pulls up to an Italian restaurant and parks up front. He gets out and walks over to my side where he opens the door.

"Thank you," I say as I step out of the car.

"You're very welcome."

We both walk into the fancy place and are automatically seated.

"Get anything you like my love," Shawn smiles at me from across the table.

I look around the place and we are the only 17 year olds here, everyone else is in their late 20's.

"Shawn my mom was right, this date is way too much for a first one."

"I'm taking you out on a special date because I finally got you. Do you know how hard it was to go against Gilinsky for you? Since you chose me, I'm going to shower you with love," Shawn takes my hand and plants a kiss on top of it.

"Now, lets order out food."

I'm so sorry this is so short I just needed something to post on here since I haven't for awhile. I'm already running out of ideas for imagines because I'm used to writing chapters of him in a story. So this book may have slow updates, I just need to write some ideas down because I love writing imagines for you all.


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