[36] Backstage

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18 years old and I'm on the road with probably one of the hottest guys I have ever seen in my life. His name was Shawn Mendes and he was pretty big in the music business, unlike me though. My music career was just getting started; Shawn saw my singing on YouTube and asked if I wanted to open for him.

Of course I've had my fair-share of gigs – coffee place, state fair, club downtown – but performing in front of thousands of people was way more exhilarating. Over the past two months of tour though, Shawn and I have grown pretty close. I like him, a lot actually, but he's rumored to be dating Camilla from Fifth Harmony. How could I ever compete with her?

"Y/N you're on in 20," My manager comes in and tells me. "You excited."

I turn back to her, "Hell yeah. Tonight I'm performing in Madison Square Gardens; how much cooler can that get?"

Brit smiles, "The crew and I are so proud of darling. Just get your dress on and we'll begin voice warm ups."

The door shut and I took of my robe. Tonight's dress was a short length, with a dark blue color. A golden belt was around my waist while the dress had more length in the back than in the front. This was probably my favorite dress I've worn all tour.

Your dress (I'm bad at describing things lol) :

I was putting my necklace on when a knock came from the door

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I was putting my necklace on when a knock came from the door. "Come in."

In the mirror I saw Shawn in a black t-shirt with black skinny jeans on; his usual on stage outfit.

"You look beautiful," He says walking up next to me.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I realize I'm blushing. No, no. I never blush, it's just weird to me. I tell him thank you and go back to making the final touches on my make up.

Shawn places his hand on my waist and I slowly turn towards him. "What are you doing?"

"You drive me crazy," He says. "I just want to – ever since tour started I can't seem to get your cute ass face out of my head."

What the actual fuck is happening right now?

"Aren't, um you and Camilla..."

Shawn's eyebrows furrow before he realizes what I was saying, "Just because we write a song together doesn't mean we're dating. Why have her when the real prize is right in front of me?"

Now both of his hands were on my waist. He slowly lifted me up on the desk and kisses my neck. All this time I thought Shawn was this innocent dude; hell was I wrong. His hands gripped my thighs and I tried my best to keep my moans at a minimum, there were people outside after all. Shit, what if someone walked in? I then notice that the lock is turned, he was planning this for this moment to happen. I then decide to take action in this too.

"Don't give me hickeys before show time Mendes," I place my hands around his neck and kiss him.

Shawn chuckles, "Sorry baby."

This only made me scoot closer to him and kiss him even harder. His hands roamed my body and I only imagined them doing so many other things to me. I tangled my hands in his hair as the kiss heated up; not giving a crap if I messed it up.

"Fuck I just want to – I don't care if this is your dressing room," I knew where he wanted to take this and I honestly wouldn't mind one bit. Maybe it would take some stress off of me before my performance.

Our foreheads rested against each other as I started to undo his belt. There was so much desire in his eyes as I looked into them; he's been wanting this for a while.

"Y/N you're on in 10 lets go!" Brit yelled from the other side of the door. "The door's locked so you better get out here in 2 minutes!"

Shawn groaned once she left and buckled up his belt. I fixed his hair, I made his all over the place.

"Save it for later," I winked at him once I saw the bulge in his pants.

"Oh – you kind of have that effect on me," He stutters trying to cover it. "God this better go away before the show."

"Later Mendes," I blow him a kiss and make my way out to my manager.

A hot backstage make out session was definitely not how I pictured this night to start out with.


holy shit. i love writing sexy shawn because we don't see that. i loved this imagine, it was just – gOd.

remember to vote and comment :)


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