[65] Sleep Tight

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Ever since the car crash, sleep hasn't been on my side. The doctor said I would have PTSD from it since it was life threatening to me, but after six months I didn't expect it to still be this bad.

My eyes were wide open as I stared at the ceiling. Every time I closed them, the water closing in around me appeared. I could still feel the oxygen leaving my system as I took my last breath before submerging underwater.

That's all I remembered from that day. I woke up two days later to find myself in a hospital bed. The doctors had no idea how I survived; all they knew was someone saved me.

A knock on my window made me stop what I was doing. No one should be out there at this time of night, so I grab my phone and slowly peak out.

"It's just me."

My ex – Shawn Mendes – appears at the window with his hands up. He assures that he's not some creeper and gives me a small smile. I let him in, making as little noise as I can so my parents don't wake up. Once he's inside, I can feel the tension arise.

"Before you say anything," he starts out with so he doesn't have to hear me yell at him for our break up again. "I came here to tell you something. Everyone says I should, so I will."

I cross my arms and try to ignore how heavy my eyes are suddenly. "This better be good."

Shawn looks at me seriously, and he gets me intrigued by this. "I was driving after you when we broke up six months ago. I knew I had made a terrible mistake because when you walked out, I realized that I never wanted to lose you. When I was driving, I saw tire marks go into the lake. Of course that was suspicious so I parked it and ran to the lake."

Everything started piecing together, memories flooding back, but Shawn continued before I could realize it. "I saw the top of your blue car go underwater. I started panicking because I've never been in this situation before. So, I took a deep breath and jumped in before thinking twice about. I think you passed out from fright, so I had to act fast. I broke your window and got you out. I don't know how your seatbelt came undone so fast, it was a damn miracle."

I wanted to cry, throw my arms around him and thank him for saving my life. However, I just stared at him. "You saved me?" he nodded. "You were coming back for me?"

"Of course I was," Shawn placed his hand on my cheek and I didn't flinch away. "I know six months is a long time, but I didn't want it to seem like I was using it to get you back. Your mom and friend said I needed to tell you now, so here I am."

I held his hand on my face and slowly felt sleep take over me. "Thank you for saving me."

I feel is Shawn picking me up and laying me on the bed. He leaves the room for a minute, then comes back with what sounds like my mom. Pretending to be asleep, I hear their conversation.

"We talked about everything and I think it's be the best for her if I slept here," he tells my mom.

"She hasn't slept in months," she sighs. "So you can. But her father won't know about this, okay? I'll keep him out of here."

"Thank you, Mrs.Y/L/N."

The door closes and I feel Shawn lay down next to me. His arms wrap around my waist and I settle against him. "Sleep tight, beautiful."


i am back yay!!! i'm so tired and i tried to get this up before i went to bed, so lets pray for not too many typos lol

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