[11] One o'clock A.M

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Screams filled my room as I shot up from my bed. The dream of him chasing me played through my mind over and over again. Why can't I get him out of my head?

I check the clock on the nightstand next to me and it reads '1:00 a.m'. Should I call him? What if he's asleep and I woke him up? Screw it.

I dial his phone number and he picks up almost immediately.

"Hey are you alright?" Shawn's voice is filled with concern as he answers the phone.

"Yeah-no. Just...I know it's late but I was wondering if you could come over."

"Um, yeah sure. I'll be over in a few," Shawn hangs up and I place my phone back where it was.

I run my hands through my hair and breathe slowly, my father, I thought I would stop having bad dreams about him. I guess not, jail still isn't far away enough for me.

Minutes later I hear a knock on my window, I see the outline of Shawn through the darkness. I stand up and open the window so he could climb in.

Once I close the door Shawn hugs me tightly, "Was it a bad dream about your dad again?"

I nod my head silently and Shawn brings me to the bed as we lay down next to each other. He strokes my hair and kisses the top of my forehead.

"Please stay," I whisper.

"Of course. I'll never leave you."

We both drift to sleep in each others arms and there's honestly no other place I'd rather be.


This was really short but I thought it was really cute.

Please leave requests for imagines, I want to write your ideas!


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