[42] Birthday Boy

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"Are you sure he doesn't know I'm here?" I ask Geoff one more as he picks up the cake I brought here.

He nods his head. "He has no idea. Shawn's going to lose his shit when he sees you."

For the past four months I haven't seen Shawn at all. He was on tour and didn't have many days off like he did last tour. We obviously had our late night texts, calls, and skypes, but it wasn't the same as seeing him in person. I heard the song Shawn was currently singing end and him beginning to talk.

Geoff turns towards me, "Okay we're going to bring out the cake, then we're going to tell him we have one more surprise. That's when you come out."

I nod my head and watch as him and the crew walk out to sing happy birthday to Shawn. I look at the screen back stage and see how happy he is when they bring the cake out. I couldn't help but smile – and even cry a little – to see his smile. Shawn blows out the candles and I knew it was almost time to come onstage.

Geoff goes to the microphone and announces, "We actually have one more surprise for you."

The whole crowd goes silent and they start yelling what could possibly be the surprise. I walk to the stage and into view. The crowd screams and Shawn glances my way. He sets his guitar down and runs over to me, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Happy birthday!" I tell him over the screams from the crowd.

"Oh my god," Shawn whispers into my ear. "You're actually here. What the fuck, is this real?"

I pull away from the hug, "Yeah. I'm here, you're here. We're finally together."

Even though a bunch of the girl's in the crowd were going to be pretty pissed, Shawn cupped his around my face and kissed me. All the girls in the crowed 'awed' as he continued to kiss me. I knew he had to continue the show, so I pulled away and placed my hand on his. "We're able to spend all day tomorrow okay? I love you, but you have a show to continue."

Shawn nodded and planed a kiss on my forehead, "I love you so much more. See you in a little."

I walked off stage and watched the love of my life perform in front of thousands of people. I just remember when he would be making song covers on youtube and vine; now, he's a sensation.


obviously a birthday imagine for the birthday boy! shawn is 18 and he's living the dream. i've been a fan since lotp came out and i've seen him twice live, and have been 5 feet away from him 👇🏻

 i've been a fan since lotp came out and i've seen him twice live, and have been 5 feet away from him 👇🏻

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use this photo as your lockscreen or something because he was like looking right at my camera and he looks fucking adorable in it:

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use this photo as your lockscreen or something because he was like looking right at my camera and he looks fucking adorable in it:

use this photo as your lockscreen or something because he was like looking right at my camera and he looks fucking adorable in it:

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this was may 24, 2015 aka the best day of my life. it was at universal orlando and it rained while we waited for 7 fucking hours but it was all worth it. i was so close to meeting him, but his big ass body guard pushed me away lmao. after that night i couldn't listen to his music for like a month.

then in december of 2015 i saw shawn at jingle ball in tampa👇🏻

then in december of 2015 i saw shawn at jingle ball in tampa👇🏻

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my friend took a video on her camera of him performing stitches and she got so close oh my god

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my friend took a video on her camera of him performing stitches and she got so close oh my god

my friend took a video on her camera of him performing stitches and she got so close oh my god

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anyways, he had two shows in florida for this tour and i couldn't go because i was on stupid vacation, but i know there's many girls out there who haven't been to shows so i'm not going to complain about that

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anyways, he had two shows in florida for this tour and i couldn't go because i was on stupid vacation, but i know there's many girls out there who haven't been to shows so i'm not going to complain about that. but next tour my mom said she would definitely do vip tickets (if i pay obviously) so hopefully he comes to orlando because there's so many good arenas for him to perform at.

okay i'm going to stop and watch my shawn concert videos again.

-brooke (an emotion shawn girl)

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