[61] I Don't Even Know Your Name

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this was requested by the user in the comments, but i changed it up a little so i hope you like it :)!!


Shawn's POV

I crumbled up another piece of paper with scribbles all around it. Being a singer was something I've always dreamed of; here I was in a café not able to write a damn song. My record label was expecting at least three new songs for my next album next week and so far I had nothing. My fifth cup of coffee definitely wasn't helping as I needed my sleep too.

I realized my cup was empty when I brought it to my lips, so I decided to at least get a cup of water. I went up to the fountain drinks and tapped on 'Water'. It was filled to the rim before I took it out from under the spout. When I turned around, a body bumped right into me, spilling water all over both of us.

"Holy crap! I am so sorry," I quickly say as I turn around to get napkins.

I hand them to her, expecting a scowl on her face, but she was laughing. She took the napkins and tried to dry up her purple shirt. "It's fine, no biggy."

"Are you sure?" I pick up the cup and throw it in the trash.

She nods again and nudges my shoulder. "Dude, I'm not going to die."

The girl walks out of the café and I an left standing there with a couple of onlookers watching me. I was actually surprised she didn't recognize me, but what she did do was make other people know who I am. Teenage girls who didn't notice me before did now.





I quickly grab my notebook and pen, running out of the place as quickly as I can. I hear footsteps hitting the sidewalk behind me. I look around and try figuring out where I can go to hide.



A hand grabs me and pulls me into an alleyway. I think at first that the girl's behind me somehow got in front of me, but I look and see the girl who I spilt water all over (the shirt gave it away instantly).

"Shh," she presses me against the wall so the fans I encountered would run by.

Don't get me wrong, I love meeting my fans, but I always encountered a few who were a bit too crazy. Once I know I am in the clear, she talks, "Famous fella, aren't ya?"

"You can say that," I nod my head. My breathing was ragged, I think I ran a couple blocks without slowing down. "Thank you for that."

She pats my chest. "No problem"

And just like that, she was gone again. An idea popped into my head at that very moment, so later on that night when I wrote down what I felt, my hand never stopped.


Los Angeles was a huge show for me. I was playing a crowd of around 60,000 tonight in the Staples Center and I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. I grabbed my guitar and headed on stage as I got the cue to go.

Screams erupted through my ears even though I had my ear plugs in. The spotlight shone on me and I readied my guitar for the first song.

"Hi guys, my name's Shawn Mendes," I had to pause because the crowd erupted at the sound of just my name. "First song is about meeting someone and well, not getting their name. I remember her smile and how cool she was around me."

I start strumming my guitar and singing, the whole crowd going along with me. My eyes scan the front row seats: a girl screaming at me, one crying her eyes out, one on her phone, one just singing, and – wait.

We make eye contact and I see a slight smirk on her face. I keep singing and catch glimpses of her throughout; it can't be. I finish the song and the crowd erupts in screams and claps. A purple shirt is then thrown on the stage and I notice it has water spilt all over it. I smile, looking back at the crowd to see her waving.

She then held up a sign that says, Hey mine name's Y/N. Nice to meet you Shawn.


i hope you guys liked this bc i thought it was very cute. also, i might be selling a shawn mendes concert ticket on ebay cause my other friend can't go (it's just one sorry) so if you're interested i'll keep you updated on that

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