[39] Treat You Better

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sort of i guess based off the song/music video 'treat you better'

The time read 1:03 a.m on my phone; Hunter was not going to like this. He didn't like me coming back to our apartment late, he expected me to be home by midnight. I was an hour and three minutes late. My car pulled up in the complex and I got out.

When I came up to the door I heard a crash and I knew Hunter probably threw something across the room. I cautiously slid my key in and unlocked the front door, walking in slowly. As I shut the door behind me Hunter came in from the kitchen. He had this look of pure anger on his face; it terrified me.

"You're home late," Hunter mumbled clutching the vodka bottle in his hand.

I set my purse down on the table and walked up to him. "Yeah, sorry. The girl's and I were out late than we thought."

Hunter took a huge gulp of the vodka. "You know the rules: be home by midnight."

"You're not my husband Hunter, we've only been dating for like over a year now," I scoffed walking past him.

Hunter grabbed my wrist and twisted me back around, "Are you fucking kidding me? You do not just walk away when you say that to me!"

"Hunter you're hurting me," I winced as he tightened his grip on my wrist.

"You're not going anywhere. We're discussing why you weren't home on time."

I yanked my wrist from his grasp. "You do not get to tell me what to do! So how about you shut up and let me go."

Hunter just stared at me, not doing anything. But then he raised his arm and slapped me right across the face. The pain was awful; why did this always happen?

"I hate you," I mumble before running to grab my keys and purse.

Hunter pleas for me to stop – apologizing for his actions – but I continue to run back to my car. This happens way too often; me coming home late and then he treats me like I don't even matter. I've lost count on how many times I've had to cover up the bruises he has given me.

I didn't know where I was going, but when I pulled up to the house I knew I had made the right decision. I walked up to the door and knocked, hoping he'd still be up.

The door opened and he looked at me with worry. "Hey Y/N, what's up?"

I walked inside with tears streaming down my face. Shawn closed the door, it looked like he had just woken up since his hair was all messed up and his voice was groggy.

"I swear to god if Hunter did anything to you–"

I quickly turned around, "How do you know?"

Shawn sighed and walked up to me. "I see those bruises Y/N. I know what he does to you, that's why I've been trying to warn you. I even went over to your guy's place one time and kicked his ass."

"He slapped me just because I got home late," I wrap my arms around myself and look up at Shawn. "I want to break up with him, but I'm scared."

Shawn wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "You are so much stronger than that. He's a dick for doing all these things to you, we'll make sure he pays for what he does."

I tightened my grip around him. "Thank you so much Shawn."

I knew he was always there for me, and I knew he would always treat me better.


finally got an imagine up, i've got a couple planned for the future (one being based off the vampire diaries and i'm excited for it).

and for all you teen wolf or vampire diaries fans, i'm sad to say both are ending after their 6th and 8th season. i've grown to love these shows so much even if i didn't watch them when they were first released. i'm so exicted for both of these seasons and i'll probably ball my eyes out in both of the finales.

make sure to vote and comment :)


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