[60] All An Act Part 2

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enjoy this cute gif of my baby who i'm seeing in 22 days

The next week at school seemed to go on forever. Every hallway would have one of Shawn's friends looking and laughing at me. The Shawn Mendes himself would stare at me from across the hallway; I feel like he wanted to come up to me and apologize, but that was too good to be true.

My only friend who I would actually talk to right now was Andrea. She had experiences the wrath of Shawn's group last year and knew exactly what I was going through.

She sat down next to me in Biology and patted my shoulder. "Looks like you're doing better."

"It's called burying your emotions deep down so no one is concerned for you," I tell her without taking my eyes off the desk.

Andrea decides that it isn't the best time for a conversation right now, so she sits back in her chair and waits for class to start. Right when the bell rings, Shawn runs into the room. He walks right by me, a piece of paper falling onto the floor. I look back at him to see he's already looking at me; he nods to the floor so I pick it up.

Park after school?

This was probably just some plot to humiliate me more. I look back at Shawn and rip the paper in half. His smile fades and he looks at the teacher who starts the lesson.

I didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the day.


After school, I went straight home. I didn't look at anyone, just the ground in front of me. Once I made it into the dark corridors of my two-story house, I climbed up the stairs and laid down on my bed.

It was only until an hour later when my peace and quietness got ruined. It sounded like little taps at my window, but no one was there. I get up from my bed and look outside. A pebble came flying at my window; I looked down to the ground and saw Shawn standing there. He was wearing his usual black shirt with jeans. I opened the window just when he threw another pebble, it hitting me directly in the face.

"Oh god, sorry!" Shawn yelled up at me.

I closed my window and headed down the stairs and outside. Shawn fixed his hair once he saw me open the front door. I crossed my arms and walked up to him, not knowing what to even say. "What do you want?"

"I want to apologize, for everything," he keeps his distance from me which I appreciate. "My friends took it way out of proportion. I - I never wanted this for you and I want to make it up to you."

"How?" I ask him.

Shawn looks around, looking for the right answer to say. "By giving us another shot and for real this time. Yes, at first I was with you all for a bet, but then I actually fell for you. I know you won't forgive me right away, but I'm willing to wait as long as I can for you."

I almost laughed at his last sentence. "We're not in a movie Shawn, none of that cheesy crap please."

"But it's the truth," he now comes closer to me and I almost forget how to breathe. "Give me another chance to show you the guy I truly am."

I see the plea in his eyes and almost give in, but I shake my head. "Should've thought of it before you humiliated me in front of everyone."

I turn around and walk back into my house. My hand was still on the door handle and I know what I was doing: I was rethinking my decision. Before I knew it, the handle turned and I was outside again. I saw Shawn slowly walking away, but I ran up to him before he got too far.

"You better not mess this up Mendes," I state looking up at his...very beautiful face. "Now, buy me some frozen yogurt."

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