[50] Roses

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base off the song 'roses' by shawn mendes

Every day since last year I would see her with him. God, why couldn't I be him? Yes, I did have the biggest crush on her since she moved in next door to me. Some would say when we got into high school that I would finally have the guts to ask her out. Sadly, I was too late as in sophomore year another guy asked her out. At first he seemed like an alright guy, but I saw how he treated her sometimes and knew he didn't reciprocate the feelings back to her.

My friends would tell me to just tell her how I feel and be honest, but every time I would walk up to her, Jay (her boyfriend) would be with her and Y/N would be smiling and laughing with him. I couldn't take that away from her; Y/N being happy made me happy.

"You need to tell her how you feel, you're practically dying watching them," Hunter commented. I was watching Y/N and Jay from across the hall; again, she was smiling and laughing with him.

I smiled when she glanced over at me and waved slightly. I then turned to Hunter, "Her happiness makes me happy, that's all that matters."

He rolled his eyes and patted my back. "Listen, you think that now, but very soon you're going to be dreading to be with her. Feelings are crazy dude, so don't come running to me on what to do when you want Y/N."

Hunter left and I was all alone. He did have a point though, hiding my feelings from Y/N would make a volcano; any minute I would explode from the amount of feelings I have built up inside of me.

After school ended, I went to the flower shop and got a single rose. They were her favorites since she had a rose garden in her backyard. Whenever I look out my window I would see her planting more roses in. I sometimes would also help her out.

"Who's the rose for?" Mom asked when I walked into the door.

I twirled it around in my fingers and set my backpack on the table. "It's for a girl. Nothing big really."

She just nodded and continued to make dinner. I wasn't very big on telling my mom about my situation with Y/N, but she was always there for me when I needed to talk and I love her for that. I went back outside and sent a picture of the rose to Hunter saying: call me mr.stealyogirl ;)

He replied: ooo shawn get your girl!!

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and walked the short couple of yards to her house. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, hiding the rose behind my back.

The door opened and Y/N was still dressed in her school clothes. "Hey Shawn!"

"Hey," I slowly tried to find the right words to say, but I didn't know what. I didn't even reverse what I was going to say. Fuck, I'm screwed. "So...I got you something."

"Aw Shawn, that's so sweet! What's the occasion?" Oh how the smile on her face was going to drop in a matter of seconds.

I pulled out the rose from behind my back and held it out. "I'm going to be straight forward and a little poetic here. So, I'm not trying to start a fire with this flame. But I'm worried that you're heart might feel the same. And I have to be honest with you, tell me if I'm wrong, and this is crazy. But I got you this rose and I need to know, will you let it die or let it grow?"

Y/N's face held so many emotions at the same time. At first it had the 'wtf' look, then it was the speechless look, and then it was the 'don't go' one. Her face slightly lit up and I had a feeling of hope. Maybe taking this step forward was also a step forward in our relationship.

"Shawn." she states, making me look up at her.


"I can't accept this rose."


wow okay, long wait for an update, but this imagine was so fun to write! listening to roses definitely inspired an imagine for me to finally write. also this book hit over 1k comments which is amazing, thank you!!

is there any other song (besides mercy & treat you better) that you want to see an imagine of?

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