[56] Soulmates

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this is something different, not like many imagines, so I hope you guys like it :)

soul mate

/ˈsōl ˌmāt/


plural noun: soulmates

a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

Y/N Y/L/N was only 8 when her mother explained to her what a soulmate really was. She had read books and read poems about true love, but never really grasped the idea of what it really meant.

"Will I find a soulmate one day mommy?" Little 8 year-old Y/N asked as she laid in bed. It was storming outside, thunder sounding every couple of minutes.

Her mother smiled at her and brushed some hair out of her face. "I found your father, so one day you will. Not today, but soon." Her father died just eleven days later.

For the next 10 years of her life, Y/N drew and even wrote what her soulmate would be like. She knew that the world would pick him for her, but she couldn't help but fantasize about him. Some days he would have dirty blond hair that covered his face, others he would have brunette hair that was styled upwards. The most important fact that always stayed true to her stories/drawing was that he was into music. She described him as 'not being able to breath without music'.

At the age of 16 she found a blond boy named Jack Johnson. Y/N thought that he could be the one; she really liked him, so why wouldn't he be? He was into music and had the most gorgeous bright blue eyes ever, but when she kissed him it felt wrong. It was like the world didn't want them together as every time they would touch, a burning sensation went through the both of them.

Finally, after a couple months of trying together, Y/N couldn't handle being with him anymore. "The world just doesn't want us together," she simply told him. "You're not my soulmate."

"Well, I hope you find your soulmate," Jack told her. "See you around."

At age 18 Y/N's mother died from loneliness. She had gone ten years without her soulmate and it was just too much for her. Since she was legal to be on her own, she travelled to New York City: a place where all her dreams laid right in front of her. There, she met her best friend Jackie Rivers. Her skin was a bronze color, her eyes reminded her of emeralds, and her hair was a chocolate color - glowing in the light. They both went to NYU and started to manage in writing.

"I already found my soulmate," Jackie smiled as she sipped her coffee. They had a break time between classes and were out near the fountain. "His name is Jack Gilinsky and I think I'm in love."

Y/N tried to hide the pain of another person finding a soulmate, so she smiled as she was still happy for her best friend. "When do I get to meet him?"

Jackie set down her coffee and took out her phone to look through texts. "Oh, yay! He's able to meet tonight and he's going to bring his friend with him. You should come."

"No I can't meet another guy who isn't my soulmate," Y/N sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I'll just stay in the dorm-"

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not," Jackie interrupted her. "Be ready by 7 and we're meeting them in Times Square."

Y/N finished her classes up for the day and got ready by 6:55 sharp. She wore a tight black dress that fit her so well, she actually didn't think twice about how she looked. Jackie was wearing white jeans and a blue blouse. Any guy that walked by these two would admit they looked hot.

The subway took only twenty minutes to get to Times Square. When they came above ground, the place was packed as usual. The videos playing on the billboards lit up the dark night. People from all over the world were here to see the wonders of this beautiful city, but Y/N was just here to support her friend. She'd much rather be at their dorm right now finishing up Friends.

"How are we even going to–"


She was cut off by a brunette haired man running up to her best friend. Y/N watched the two soulmates as they stared at each other like they haven't seen each other in years. The two finally closed the space in between them and kissed like no one was watching them.

Jack was the first one to pull away as he noticed someone else watching them. He reached out his hand, "You must be Jackie's friend. I'm Jack and this is..." he turned around as if he were looking for someone else. "There he is. Shawn, come here!"

Y/N watched someone emerge from the crowd. He was tall and muscular, she knew that by the way his white shirt fitted the curves on his arm. She then looked up at his face and it was like the whole world just stopped. They looked at each other like they were seeing a whole new world.

Shawn was the first to make a move; he stepped forward and shook her hand. "I'm Shawn."

Y/N's skin practically lit up when they touched. Warmth and desire coursed through her veins; maybe...just maybe. "I'm Y/N."

Jackie and Jack walked off a little ways, they both knew what was going to happen. Shawn knew it would be weird because they just met, but he raised his hand and slowly glided his fingers across Y/N's cheek. It was like he was looking for something all his life and he finally found it.

"You're the night sky and I'm the stars," he began saying as he looked at all the features on her beautiful face. "We blend so beautifully together."

Y/N smiled at his little metaphor and leaned forward. Her lips were just brushing up against his when she whispered, "Let's find out then."

Shawn closed the space in between them and felt all his problems melt away. The kiss was soft, but there was a lingering hunger hovering over them. His hands found their way around her waist and brought her as close as he could. Y/N's lips never wanted to leave his, she parted her mouth for air, but brought her now plump lips back to his. Her hands were on his cheeks, pulling them even closer if that was possible.

A star shined on them in the night sky, signifying the world that another pair of soulmates have found each other. The two were so invested in the kiss that they didn't care people were bumping into them almost every second.

Shawn was the one to pull away, completely out of breath. "I never thought I would find you. I always imagined someone like you, but do you draw and write?"

"Yes I do," Y/N smiled. She was almost shaking asking the most important question to her, "Without music, would you-"

"Not be able to breath? Yes. Music is my life."

That made every worry that this was just a fluke wash away. Y/N was still in his arms and she never wanted to leave. Before this, she was an orphan with no real home, but now she had found a new home. Her soulmate was her home.


i realllyyyy liked this imagine and i hope you guys liked it too! this was definitely different and i hope to do more of these soon.

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