[31] New Beginnings Part 2

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(part two to imagine #20 so read that first if you haven't)

The bottle crashed on the pavement as it rolled off the roof. Even the vodka wasn't enough to take the pain away. So many kisses and secrets were shared with him, how am I supposed to get over that? I needed a new beginning though...I just don't when it will actually begin.

I could feel tears start to drip down my cheeks. I needed to stay strong; for my own sake. It was already very late, so I managed to stand up and make my way over to the edge. My vision was blurry and I was a bit tipsy. As I got to the edge, my legs gave out. I was then falling to the ground, until a pair of arms caught me a few inches off the ground.

"I'll always be here for you," I look up and see Shawn there.

The moonlight reflects off of his face, his eyes scan all around me. I'm quick to get out of his grasp, but I already feel lost again without him.

"Thanks," The most I can do is tell him that. He did save my life.

"I was coming here anyways," He says scratching the back of his neck. "Good decision."

Shawn looks around before his eyes land on the broken bottle of vodka. He slowly looks back at me, realizing that I drank a lot.

"I'm so sorry," He whispers stepping closer to me. "I knew you drank because of me."

"I loved you," I confess. "But I need a new beginning, a new life. Drinking is just helping me start it."

Shawn sighs, "But you already had that life, with me. I fucked things up."

"Maybe it was for a reason. Maybe we were bound to break up."

"No we weren't," Shawn shakes his head taking my hands in his. "I love you. That girl on instagram, she has a boyfriend. I thought you were getting close to that Ethan kid so I wanted to make you jealous. But that was a dick move of me."

My eyes widen at his statement. I basically drank for nothing? I almost fucking died.

"I – I need to let you," I mumble. "We both need new beginnings."


"Shh. It's best for the both of us," I let go of his hands and walk back into my house.

I could hear crying outside, and the sound of something crashing on the floor. I don't know if I made the right decision or not, but all I know is that I feel happier. And that's all I need right now.


Looking through this book and saw that people commented a part two to the number 20 imagine. Hope you liked this :)

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