[8] Halloween

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Imagine you and Shawn go to a Halloween party at the haunted house down the street.

The house screamed death, broken windows were everywhere and the house looked like it was about to fall apart any minute now. Shawn squeezed my hand as we entered the huge haunted mansion; which right now was filled with partying teens.

I was dressed as a vampire while Shawn was dressed like a wolf, we didn't put much thought into our costumes.

"Even with a bunch of lights on it's scary as fuck," Shawn whispers into my ear as we ascend further into the mansion.

"Just stay by me the whole time. I'm freaked out too so don't worry."

We found one out of many coolers in the house and had a Ginger Ale.

"Lets dance!" I shout over the music.

"Y/N I'm not in the-" I grab his hands and pull him out to the dance floor ignoring what he said.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his closer to me; dancing while doing this.

"Fuck that was hot," Shawn whispers referring to my dirty dancing just seconds before. 

I do it again, turning around and grinding my hips onto him but Shawn stops me and makes me look at him.

"Do that one more time and I'll have to bring you upstairs into a room which probably has a ghost in there so he/she can watch us have sex," He whispers deeply into my ear, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

"Sounds tempting," I mumble as I bring my lips to his.

We're already sweating and the fake blood on my mouth gets all over his mouth but he doesn't care as he continues to kiss me. His hands roam downward but I push them back up not wanting him to be in control.

"Can we go upstairs please?" Shawn whines breaking out kiss.

"Fine but I am in control," I say and Shawn nods his head.

We head up the stairs which creak beneath us. A coupe doors are locked, people probably have the same idea as us. I find a door that's open and we head in. Candles are lit around the room and the bed is surprisingly not torn up.

"Lay on the bed," I demand.

Shawn obliges and lays on the bed, taking off his shoes. I take off my shoes too and walk over to him slowly, climbing on top of him so I'm straddling his waist.

"Lets take this slowly first," I whisper unbuttoning his ripped up flannel only to reveal his toned abs.

I run my finger tips up and down his chest and his breathing only gets faster. Shawn's hands find the zipper at the back of my dress and zips it down, revealing my bare shoulders and white bra.

"Kiss me."

Once again our lips meet again and Shawn sits up a little to deepen our kiss. As we're kissing I start to take my dress off but screaming from downstairs stops me.

"What the hell was that?" I ask looking at the door.

"Probably some douche scaring a girl, can we continue now?"

Although I am still scared we kiss again until the candles are blown out in the room. I slip back on my dress and I look around, the moonlight from the open window is the only thing letting me see Shawn.

"That was the wind right?" My voice is shaky.

"Um...ye-yeah," Shawn stutters but we all know he is just trying to comfort me.

The door creaks open but no one is there. Pain goes through my back and I feel that my dress and the skin beneath it has ripped open.

"Y/N oh my god!" Shawn looks at my back and he touches it. "There's blood, a lot."

"What do you want!" I scream into the open room.

"You," Something whispers into my ear before I am thrown off the bed and into darkness.

Sorryyyy I haven't updated an imagine in a while but it's Halloween and I had this one planned for a while. Hope you liked it!

Vote and comment, maybe leave a request for an imagine?

Happy Halloween👻🎃


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