[16] I Know What You Did Last Summer

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**I'm sorry if there's already a million imagines you've read about this song**

Things were different today, too different. Shawn barely even talked to me at all today; did I do anything wrong?

"Just talk to him," Mom said cleaning the dishes.

"I tried to! But he'd just say 'later' and walk off," I sigh putting plates into the cabinets.

"Did you do anything wrong that you know of?"

"No that's the problem."

"Go over to his house then, talk to him," She tells me. "I've got the rest of the dishes."

"Mom are you sure—"

"Go," She reassures me.

I nod my head and grab my phone and keys. I didn't know what the hell was happening, I didn't do anything...did I?

I drove down the familiar rode I have way too many times before. There was only one car parked in the driveway, which meant Shawn was home. I went up to the door and knocked.

When he opened it he looked at me, no expression on his pale face. I walk in without any permission.

"Well then," He mumbles shutting the door.

I ignore his comment and sit on the couch; Shawn stays standing up.

"I guess you're here to talk about why I've been ignoring you," His muscular arms are crossed against his chest.

I nod my head and he continues, "Where were you from July 4-10?"

"I was in Hawaii for vacation remember?" I remind him.

"Yeah, but what were you doing?"

I pause and remember, remember every single little detail that I made myself forget months ago.

"You know, I thought you were better than this."

"What are you talking about Shawn?" I ask confused.

"I know what you did last summer."

I cast my eyes downward and shake my head. I can't lie to him, he must've seen pictures or something.

"Jake did some searching for me because I was feeling skeptical about you. He found an account of a Hawaii club, only to find a picture of you with a guy kissing your neck and dancing. The caption was 'This is what club night looks like'."

"Shawn, I don't eve know—"

"Don't fucking give me that shit!" He yells. "Leave. Please just leave. I don't want to even hear an explanation from you."

He picks me up by the arm and drags me outside.

"Shawn..." I trail off looking at him. He's hurt, so hurt.

"Fuck you," He says before slamming the door in my face.

This was probably boring but I needed to post something, expect a better imagine soon! And I listened to Big Time Rush during this because why not?


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