[5] I Do

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Imagine your's and Shawn's wedding day.

I really didn't know how to feel; nervous? Scared? Happy? I was looking in the mirror of my private room in the church, I was getting married. Shawn and I have been together since we were 17, no we're 22 and seconds away from being husband and wife. What if I tripped? What if I made a fool of myself? I remember two nights ago Shawn telling me to not worry at all. I had my vows all memorized in my head, it was short and sweet because if i had to explain my love for Shawn we would be at the church for a very long time.

"Y/N? Your dad is waiting for you." MY maid of honor, Jade, told me.

"Okay, I'll be out there." My fingers smooth out my long strapless white dress and and fix the emerald pin in my hair.

I made my way to the foyer and stood next to my dad, he had tears in his eyes already.

"Are you okay?" I ask, laughing to make the mood lighter.

"Yes, it's just-my little girl is all grown up now."

"Dad please don't make me cry before the wedding; that's supposed to be after when Shawn and I leave for our honeymoon." He opens his mouth but the music starts playing and all my friends and Shawn's friends go out first.

As the doors open for me I take a deep breath and walk at the same pace as my father. My eyes travel up to see the guy I love; all in a suit waiting to marry me. His eyes rake up and down my body and he smiles to himself. After what feels like forever my dad places my hand in Shawn's and we are already at our vows.

My turn is first so I begin, "I could say fate brought us together from the volleyball hitting me and you taking me to the nurse's office (hint hint reference to first imagine I did!!!) and then you kissed me afterwards. I would like to say it was just the attraction towards each other that brought us together. Shawn I've always loved you I just didn't realize it until you actually told me. Till death do us part I'll always be with you, I'l stay by your side no matter what. I love you Shawn Mendes and I don't think I'll ever stop."

After I'm done talking I notice both Shawn's and my eyes are watery. He squeezes my hand and takes a deep breath; ready for his vows.

"Y/N, I honestly don't know how to get one word out of my speech without tearing up or wanting to kiss you all over the face. Here it goes; people say love is when you know someone deeply and know you want to be with them forever. One look at you and I already knew I was madly in love with you. My friends always told me that I wasn't in love with you but I sure as heck was. You make me so happy I can't even describe it. These past 5 years have been so amazing I can't even explain it with words. You, oh you, I can be with you for hours. I don't think I'll ever get tired of you and I hope you don't get tried of me. I love you." My make up is basically ruined right now as Shawn finishes.

How did I get so lucky into marrying this wonderful man? In high school I would of never thought I would be marrying the popular Shawn Mendes. He makes me so fucking happy...I just-I don't know.

"I do." Shawn says breaking me from my thoughts.

"And do you, Y/N Y/LN take Shawn Mendes to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor asks me.

"I do." I say without hesitation.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Shawn's lips immediately crash onto mine and I'm a little taken aback at first but kiss back.

I know we wants to do way more things right now but in front of our parents and a crowd full of people we know; that wouldn't be smart. Our kiss goes on for a long time, Shawn tries to add tongue but I slights poke him to tell him not now but later. That earns a smile on Shawn;s lips as he continues to kiss me so tenderly. Our moments ends when the pastor clears his throat, both Shawn and I blush from embarrassment.

We walk down the walkway hand in hand. I'm actually married to him. I smile as we reach the limo to take us to the reception place. Once everyone gets there the DJ starts the music and everyone dances. Shawn and I walk around talking to family members and friends. I have my dress tied up to my wrist so I won't fall so easily.

"Okay everyone it is time for the husband and wife to have their first dance together." The DJ announces.

I let Shawn pick our first dance, never did I guess he would pick '18' by One Direction. I always loved that song, it did remind me of a wedding dance, but I never expected for it to be our first dance.

"One direction? Woah Shawn." I whisper as we dance around the floor.

"I mean I've always been a Niall girl." He chuckles.

"Um no, Liam is where it's at."

"Did I tell you you absolutely look stunning tonight?" I nod my head and he continues. "I also want to zip down your dress very slowly but then I'll get rough and make sweet love to you. I would take you tot he bathroom right now and fuck you until you see stars but I want to make it very special for our first time being husband and wife."

His seductive words send chills through my spine and I swear I have goosebumps on my arms and legs. His arms wrap a little tighter and we sway to the music. My home is in Shawn's arms, and it always will be.


Okay wow this was cute...I cry. Can I marry Shawn please?

Remember to vote and comment! I'm going to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando this Friday, I can't oh my goddd.


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