[24] Night Calls

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"How was your day?" Shawn asked over the phone. "Sorry I didn't have my phone all day, was out sightseeing."

"It was fine, but would've been better if you were there," I sighed.

"Ah baby miss our after 3rd period make out sessions?"

I laughed, but of course I did. Third period was a stressful class and kissing Shawn definitely made me forget all about it.

"Ugh don't remind me! When are you coming back?"

"Just a couple more days," Shawn answered.

Something else popped into my head and I started to shake. Shit. I totally forgot to tell Shawn. I meant to tell him right when he picked up.

"Shawn...there's something I need to say."

"What?" Shawn's tone immediately became serious.

"So – um you know Brady right?"

"The dick who always flirts with you? Yeah I definitely know," Shawn mumbled.

He's going to be so pissed.

"Well, today after school he kinda slapped my ass and kissed me before running off to his car and driving away."

Silence. That's all I heard over the other end of the call. I know he isn't mad at me because I stated I clearly did nothing. Knowing my boyfriend he's probably playing the scene in his head, but only with him in it and beating the living shit out of Brady.

"Shawn, you okay?" I asked after I heard heavy breathing.

"Fuck no! I should've never agreed to go on this stupid trip with my parents!"

"Hey baby, it was just a teenage boy being a teenage boy. All I know is he'll never do that again," I try my best to calm him down.

"Y/N he touched you. First off all, I basically claim your ass. And secondly I'm the only guy who kisses your lips. When I get back Brady is–"

"You're really hot when you get jealous," I interrupted him.

Shawn chuckled lightly over the phone, "You're hot all the time."

"Thanks daddy," I've never called him that; I guess we'll test it out.

"Say that one more time and I'll literally drive all the way from North Carolina just to have sex with you."

"Goodnight daddy," I hung up before he could do anything and turned my phone off.

I'm probably going to regret this when he comes back, but I ignore the possibilities and go to sleep.



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