[12] Kik

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"Do it!" Lauren says looking at my phone screen.

Lauren was at my house and she was daring me to kik Shawn (my crush because he's hot as fuck) under an anonymous account and see if we can get anything out of him. We decided to make our fake girl's name Willow.

"Okay okay!" I said typing in my text.

Willow👼🏼: Hey I'm new to the school and I was wondering if you could show me around tomorrow.

"Oh god I sent it," I say looking at the delivered sign.

Lauren and I wait a couple minutes until it says 'r' which means read and it says Shawn🤘🏻 is typing...

"I'm so fucking nervous and I'm not even the one typing," Lauren says looking over my shoulder at the screen.

My phone dings and I see that he texted me back; well texted what he thinks is a random person.

Shawn🤘🏻: I've never heard about a new student or a girl named Willow at my school. Are you sure you're texting the right person? And if you are how did you get my kik?

Willow👼🏼: I go to West High, which is the school you go to I'm pretty sure because this girl gave me your kik yesterday because she said you're a good guide or something.

Shawn🤘🏻: Oh okay well I guess I can. What do you look like so I know who you are once I find you.

Willow👼🏼: Brunette hair, blue eyes, and about 5'6.

I used this to describe myself because what Shawn didn't know was I was going to be the one to meet him. He's my best friend so he will be wondering where Willow really is.

Shawn🤘🏻: You just described what my best friend Y/N looks like. Maybe I can introduce you to her tomorrow.

Willow👼🏼: Yeah that sounds good. See you tomorrow.

Shawn🤘🏻: Okay yeah, meet me in the courtyard 20 minutes before the bell rings.

I place my phone on the dresser and lay on my bed.

"Can't believe we got away with that. Once he said the thing about you and 'Willow' being alike I thought he would catch on. Guess not."

"What if he doesn't like it that I lied to him?" Many questions start to go through my head and I'm starting to regret what I just did. "What if I confess the feelings I have and he doesn't feel the same? Oh my god what did I just do?"

Lauren comes over to me and calms me down. "Hey you didn't do anything wrong. Just go up to him tomorrow; you'll be fine."

The next I dressed casual, I didn't want to go overboard. The ride to school was about making up scenarios in my head about what could happen; most of them were not good.

I walked to the courtyard and saw Shawn looking around the place waiting for what he thinks is Willow. I go up to him and a smile forms on his face.

"Hey you," He says pulling me into a hug.

"Hi, are you waiting for someone?"

"Yeah her name is Willow but she was a made up person by Y/N and Lauren."

"Yeah I know-wait you figured it out?" I asked and I mentally face palmed myself.

"Y/N I knew it was you when you described Willow exactly like yourself. It was pretty easy to figure it out since I knew you and Lauren were hanging out together."

I look down at the ground in embarrassment but Shawn's finger pulls my chin up.

"Don't be embarrassed," Shawn chuckles. "What did you think you'll get out of it anyway?"

I stood there in silence not wanting to admit my feelings or anything towards him.

"I'll answer it for you then," Shawn says bringing his lips to mine.

My eyes widen but I soon close them kissing him back. He pulls away moments later and stares at me.


"Saturday night? 8? I'll pick you up," The bell rings and Shawn smirks before going to his class.

Sorry for not updating in a million years lolol.

I liked this imagine, it was cute


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