[48] Seven Minutes

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It was the typical college party as everyone was drunk and were sitting around in a circle together. I sipped on my drink and looked up to see Shawn staring at me from across the room. In World History, he sits by me and we talk whenever we can.

"Truth or dare," Someone suggests for a game to play.

The guy next to me – who's name is Jason I think – said, "We're not in high school anymore Riley."

"But it always ends up with someone getting laid, so lets do it," Riley fires back.

"I'm in," Shawn speaks up as he looks right at me. "I got my own plans for tonight."

Jason rolls his eyes and places a beer bottle on the table. "I'll go first."

He spun the bottle and it landed on my best friend Elena. "Elena, truth or dare?"

"Truth," She says. I knew Elena and she never picked dare because of one incident that happened in high school.

"Do you like anyone in this room?" Jason asked.

It was pretty ironic since the guy she liked was Jason. I didn't think Elena would actually tell the truth, but the next words out of her mouth left me in shock. "Yes, and that person is you."

Everyone in the room went silent as Jason processed what my friend just said. He started to smile and I knew then and there that he liked her too. "Can we go talk somewhere?"

Elena nodded and the two walked into a different room. Riley spun the bottle next and it landed on Shawn. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," He said without hesitation.

Riley looked at me and smirked, "I dare you to go in the closet upstairs and play seven minutes in heaven with...Sierra."

My eyes slightly widened, but I soon hid it as I remained calm. Shawn nodded his head and took my hand as led me upstairs. I didn't get time to say anything as he opened the closet and shut us in there. I never expected to be with the hottest dude alive in such a close proximity tonight. He just got a tattoo of a guitar on his arm which made him even more sexier.

"Can I kiss you?"

I looked up at him weirdly, "What the hell is that type of question?"

"Um, that was stupid. Sorry–"

"Of course you can kiss me," I blurted out. I didn't even mean to say that, but it kind of just came out.

Shawn took a while to process what I had just said, but when he did he pushed me against the wall and placed his lips against mine. My hands ended up in his hair as he started to trail kissed down my neck. I didn't know how long we were making out, but a knock on the door stopped us.

"Hey get out of the closet already! You've been in there for twenty minutes."


i hoped you liked this! this would honestly be me though with any guy lmao.

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