[10] Temporary Fix

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Based on the song 'Temporary Fix' by One Direction

Boyfriend just broke up with me, failed my exams, mom is in the hospital, how much better can my night get?

All Nighter club was the answer to my problems. College was doing no good for me and my fucking boyfriend cheated on me. Don't even get me started on my mother.

"ID?" The security guard says at the entrance.

I show him my ID that shows I'm 21 and I am allowed in. Colorful strobes light up the place with people already dancing the night away. I made my way to bar and ordered a margarita.

"Wanna dance?" Someone says from behind me.

I turn around to find Shawn from my Literature class.

"Not in the mood," I mumble.

"Oh come on! I heard about all the shit that's happening in your life right now. Have some fun," Shawn takes my drink and downs the rest of it.

I give in and he takes me to the dance floor and we dance the night away.

Two hours passed and I was sweating a lot, but I was still dancing with Shawn. Turns out he failed his exams too and he needed a free night before his parents find out and scold him about it.

As the pace of the song picks up, so does our dancing. I decide to get closer and our lips brush against each others.

"God I want to kiss you so badly right now," Shawn whispers against my face.

"Then do it."

His lips smash against mine and it only gets more intense as he picks me up and carries me outside.

Shawn gets his phone out and dials a number. I kiss his neck and he tries to talk through the phone without moaning a little.

"Screw it lets take my car," I press 'end' on Shawn's phone and I drag him to my car.

We climb into the front seats but Shawn climbs into the backseat and brings me back with him.

"God Shawn, I need you and I really don't care if it's in my backseat," I say.

Even though there's no feelings whatsoever I have towards Shawn, I guess tonight he'll be my temporary fix.

I love One Direction's album and I love Shawn so this was a good combo.


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