[41] The Vampire Diaries

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based off the show 'the vampire diaries'

I looked in the mirror one more time as I was prepared to leave for school. Even though inside I was still broken and just done with life, I needed to put a smile on my face; make everyone think I was alright instead of getting the usual 'oh my god i'm so sorry'.

I walked down stairs and saw my brother James. He was younger than me, just by about two years.

"Hey James," I said to him. He looked at me before grabbing an apple and walking out of the kitchen.

Aunt Jennifer came into the kitchen and patted my back. "He did that to me too this morning. You should get heading to school though."

As if on cue my best friend Bella honked outside. I walked into her car and we drove to school. Once we got there we walked to our first class.

"There's Michael," Bella silently points across the hall to my ex. I broke up with him after my parent's death because I couldn't really handle a boyfriend right now.

I waved at him, but he just looked at me and continued to go through his locker. I crossed my arms and turned back around.

"He's just still not over it," Bella says closing her locker.

Just then I felt arms wrap around me and I looked to see it was Chloe. "Oh my god sweetie I am so sorry! How are you?"

I pulled away from Chloe and faked smiled, "I'm fine."

Chloe gave me one more. "You poor poor thing."

I just nodded and walked away with Bella. Chloe was a friend, but she annoyed the hell out of me sometimes.

Bell stopped me and made me turn towards the office. "Who's that?"

I looked to see a guy with a black leather jacket on talking to the front office lady. "I have no idea."

Bella continued staring at him, but when I saw James go into the bathroom I knew he was high. This was what happened all the time over summer after all. I walked away from Bella and went into the boy's bathroom, not caring that I was in there. James was putting eye drops in his eyes when I got in there.

"You're high again aren't you?" I ask taking the eye drops from his hand. "Where is it? Huh?" I tried looking for the drugs on him, but couldn't find them.

"What the hell are you doing?" James pushed me away from him.

I shook my head at him. "James, I gave you a summer pass. But this has gone too far. I'm not going to let you ruin your life!"

"Whatever," James mumbled pushing past me and out the bathroom.

I walked out for him, but I bumped into someone – more specifically the guy Bella and I saw at the front office.

"Um – hi. Sorry," I say looking up at him.

His eyes stare deeply into mine as he looks over my face. "Isn't this the men's restroom?"

Words don't come out of my mouth as I take in the beauty of this guy. His brown hair and brown eyes are too perfect to be true.

"Yeah it is my brother...long story."

The mystery man nods and I go to walk around him, but he steps the same way as me. I go to the right, but he goes the other way too. Finally, mystery man steps aside and I thank him as I walk past him. When I turn the corner I look back to see him staring back at me. I have to find who this guy is.


one of my favorite stelena scenes yEs. of you don't know the vampire diaries, think of this as a regular imagine.

thank you so much for over 60k reads!! love you all

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