[34] Shattered Part 1

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My vision was blurry and I lost Allison who was supposed to be my ride home. Shawn was also nowhere to be seen. Why do I have to get drunk at every party?

"Y/N there you are!" Allison cane running over towards me. "Listen, can you hold my phone and keys? I lost a stupid bet and I have to jump into the pool."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Ali, you are so dumb sometimes."

"Thanks babe," Allison gave me a hug and ran back outside.

I walked upstairs looking for a bathroom, the bathrooms downstairs were probably all nasty with drunks throwing up in the toilet. I honestly just needed a minute of quietness; the loud music downstairs was really getting to me.

I opened a door and covered my eyes when I saw two people making out on the bed. "Oh my god I'm so sorry – wait."

The two people in the bed looked up at me: Shawn and Carly. Carly was my other best friend, the one I've known since Kindergarten. Then there was Shawn, last week was our two year anniversary.

"Holy shit Y/N...um listen–"

I tangled my hands in my hair, "How could you guys? The two most important people in my life decide to fucking hook up? I don't want any of you talking to me ever again!"

I slam the door and run down stairs. I see Allison all soaked coming into the house; she notices me and runs after me. I didn't care about anything right now, I just needed to get the hell out of here. Footsteps echoed from behind me and I knew they were both running after me. I pushed past people and ran outside to Allison's car, she could find another way home.

"Y/N!" Shawn, Carly, and Allison all called out to me.

I ignored all of them and unlocked the car, sliding into the driver's seat. Before I could go, Shawn was at my window. I looked over to the right and saw Allison and Carly at the front door arguing. I rolled down the window.

"Give me a second to explain myself," Shawn begged.

I looked at him through the tears in my eyes, "There's nothing you can explain! You were making out with my best friend. I loved you both; I especially loved you Shawn."

His face goes pale. "Loved. I still love you."

"Yeah well it looks like you love someone else too," I rolled the window back up and drove off.

In the rearview mirror I could see Shawn going over to Carly and yelling at her, but it was both of their faults. Shawn was probably trying to blame the whole thing on her so he wouldn't have to feel guilty.

I drove with a never ending pain in my chest; my heart shattered. Mascara was running down my face, my eyes burned from all the crying. I reached a stoplight, but I needed to get home fast. So, instead of stopping at the red light, I ran it. Although I thought there were no other cars coming in the other direction; I was so wrong.

Lights blinded my vision and soon my car was flipping over in mid-air. So many things were going through my mind as the scene in front of me played in slow motion. Then, I was met with a loud bang, the taste of my blood, and the whole world around my turning into an utterly dark blackness.


this was another requested imagine, i hope you all liked it :)

i feel bad though for not updating in this book frequently, i only have very few rare moments where i get the inspiration to write.

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