[44] Love You Goodbye

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REQUESTED (based off the song by one direction 'love you goodbye')

Every morning when I woke up I had the same thought on my mind: Shawn and I were in love and would last for a lifetime. This morning however, it was different. Instead of smiling when I turned around and saw Shawn sleeping by me, I didn't want to be here.

A couple of days ago I had found out I had been accepted into the The Liverpool Performing Arts school. My dream had always been to become a professional musician and my dream was finally coming true; the problem was I would have to give up everything here in Los Angeles to move to Liverpool. When I got accepted my first thought was, 'I can't leave Shawn'. Then after sleepless nights of thinking, I decided that I wanted to go. I hadn't told Shawn yet. My flight left tonight.

"Good Morning Arden," Shawn's raspy voice mumbled next to me. His face had a huge smile on it; I was about to ruin that smile.

After we both showered and got dressed we started cooking our breakfast. Shawn handed me a waffle and glass of orange juice. "Thanks."

He turned towards me slightly as he made himself an omelet. "You seem off this morning...you okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Just didn't get good enough–"

No, I couldn't do this. I needed to tell him now if this were going work out. "I actually have to talk to you about something; about us."

Shawn put his omelet on a plate and sat down across from me. "Okay, talk."

This was going to be hard to do. We've been together for five years. We were high school sweethearts, now in our senior year of college we were still going strong.

"Arden," Shawn took me out of my thinking. "What's wrong?"

I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for how broken Shawn would look. "Okay, so when I said a couple of weeks ago that I was going to class, I wasn't. There's a music school I've always wanted to go to and I auditioned; I got in. But the thing is–"

Shawn smiled and came over to hug me, "Arden oh my god! That's amazing! Is it the one in San Francisco? It's no problem, we can still work out our relationship from there."

I didn't know it then, but tears started falling down my face as he though the wrong thing. "Shawn stop," I pushed him off of me and stood up. "The school – the school's in Liverpool, England."

His face faltered and his smiled disappeared almost immediately. "You're not going, right?"

Silence brewed between us, but I finally spoke, "I want to do my own thing for once Shawn. Being a professional musician has always been my dream, and I finally get this opportunity."

"But it's in fucking England!" Shawn yelled.

"And the flight leaves tonight," I added on quietly.

Shawn snapped as he threw an empty glass on the floor. "You would seriously throw everything we have away? Are you that stupid? You know what, I – I can't be here."

He picked up his car keys and wallet and headed out the front door of our apartment. I stood in the middle of the kitchen in silence and went to pick up the broken shards of glass.


It was 6:00 p.m and I got ready and to head to the airport. I tried calling Shawn ten times, he never answered. I left a note on the dining room table and picked up all of my bags. The front door opened and Shawn came in with completely red eyes; he had been crying.

"I know I went all of on you," He started out before I could say anything. "But I just want you to stay. I love you so much, I was going to propose to you at our college graduation. Just stay and we can work your life dream out, I – I just can't lose you."

I set one of my bags down and took his hand in mine. "I probably am the biggest idiot alive, but I want to try this. You never know, maybe I won't like it and I'll come back here; at least I gave it a try. I just want to let you know that I love you so much, but I also need to love myself too and do what I want."

I leaned forward and kissed him. His hands cupped my face and pulled me closer to him since this could very well be our last kiss. I pulled away finally and picked up my bags. I then walked out of the door, not knowing if I had made the biggest mistake of my life or not.


i hope you liked this imagine arden! if any of you watch how i met your mother you kind relate this sort of to when lily went to art school and left marshall.

question: would you have made the decision to follow your dreams or stay with shawn?

make sure to vote and comment! this story is so close to 100k reads which blows my mind!


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