[67] Wrong Ideas

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My heart pounded as I waited backstage for my boyfriend. I heard his final song finish, the crowd cheering as he ran off stage. Workers handed him a towel and water bottle, letting him makes his way towards me. Shawn was sweaty as he approached me, his white shirt sticking to his chest.

"How was I?" Shawn kissed my cheek and led us to his backstage room.

I loved how happy he was right now from the show, I just didn't want to ruin it with the news. "You were amazing," I sit down and decide not to sugar coat anything. No matter what I did he would find out sooner or later. "I have some exciting news."

Shawn turned towards me, finished his bottle of water already. "What is it?"

I walked over to him, reaching for his hands and putting them on my stomach. "Well...either our son or daughter is in here."

His hands stiffen against mine and he retracts them. Shouldn't he be happy for me? For us? I can already tell he's not in the best mood anymore.

Shawn shakes his head and looks away. "That's not my baby in there."

My mouth falls open. What the hell. "Of course it is! Are you so against a child that you don't claim it as your's?"

"You cheated on me," he mumbles as he scrunches up his eyebrows. I have no idea what's going through his mind right now. "Why would you do that? This is the first time I've seen you in a couple weeks."

"And a couple weeks ago we had sex at your Philadelphia show." Did he seriously forget about that night? "Please tell me you completely forgot about that."

Shawn's eyes opened widely, "Oh shit."


this was just an imagine of shawn being a dumbass and it's short asf i know. i'm trying to plan a longer imagine bc my imagines are usually short and i see no problem with that. i write too many stories as it is lmao

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