[20] New Beginnings

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This was usual for me, coming up on the roof of my house and thinking. I thought things would get better, but in reality my life sucks right now. He told me we just weren't working, he said we needed to meet other people, he said that I wasn't right for him. Is it awful that I'm still hopelessly in love with him?

I thought he would be that fairytale prince charming for me; I mean he acted like he was going to be. God who am I kidding? I'm a Senior in high school and I expect a prince charming? I'm 18, not 12. There was probably a girl out there right now that was with him. He seemed to move on quickly from me, so I wouldn't be surprised.

I decided to go on my phone, past the time before I climbed back into my room and went to bed. To my luck the most recent post was Shawn; and he was with a girl. 'Too much love for this girl🔥 @marialowe'. They were basically on top of each other in the photo. How did he get over me in a span of 2 weeks? It took all of my will power not to comment some witty comment. But I couldn't, I'm not like that.

I took a sip of the stolen stash of whiskey I took from my father's stash. I looked back at my phone screen and saw that I liked his picture, when I refreshed it though he deleted it. My phone dinged and it was a text from him: Can we talk please?

"Fuck you," I mumbled putting my phone back in my pocket.

I put my drink in front of me and clinked the air, "To new beginnings."

This was something quick and short so I hope you like it :)

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