[21] "Studying"

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"This is so stupid!" Shawn groaned and threw the pencil on the bed. "I'm not going to be using geometry in the near future so why do I have to learn it?"

"Because this is going to get you to college," I picked back up his pencil and placed it into his hand.

"I would be concentrating better if you weren't wearing this tank top."

I looked down at my tank top and saw nothing horrible about it, "What's wrong with my tank top?"

"When you lay down on your stomach your skin shows and it's really distracting."

"Just get back to work," I pushed his shoulder slightly and pulled up my tank top a little bit.

Shawn started to do the next problem and an idea popped into my head. I leaned my head down to his neck and started planting small kisses. He tensed at my actions and immediately stopped doing his work.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked me.

I pulled away, "Want me to stop?"

"No – I mean uh I would love to right now, but I have to get this done remember?" Shawn went back to writing but I wasn't done.

I went back to kissing his neck again and this time he didn't stop me, he let me keep going. Shawn would let out a couple moans and that's when I knew he was really enjoying this.

"Fuck geometry, it can wait," He threw the papers and folders onto the floor and pinned me against the bed.

His lips connected to mine and I instantly fell into his control. We haven't had a proper 'make out' session in such a long time; this is definitely making up for it. Shawn's lips traveled down my neck and onto my collarbone, nibbling my skin a little bit.

"God Shawn," I sighed closing my eyes and relishing this pleasure he was giving to me.

"Y/N, Shawn dinner's ready!" I could hear the loud footsteps of my dad walking up the stairs.

"Shit shit shit," Shawn picked up the papers and buttoned his flannel back up. I unbuttoned his flannel? I must've not been aware of my actions.

I pulled my hair out of it's pony tail and made sure it covered the already forming hickey's on my collar bone.

The door opened and my father came in, "Sorry to interrupt your studying, but dinner's ready."

"We'll be down in a sec dad," I said.

"Okay well we're having lasagna and your mother made some brownies for dessert after," He closed the door and walked back down stairs.

"I won't be eating the brownies," Shawn said getting up.


"Because I already have my dessert with me," Shawn winked at me and walked out of my room.


I wrote this late last night because that's when I get my ideas lol. I'm staying at disney this weekend so don't expect a lot of updates from here or any of my other books if you read them.

Thank you for over 3K reads on here!

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