[37] Teen Wolf Part 2

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based off the mtv show teen wolf. this takes place in season 3, episode 23 "insatiable".

When I turned around Tyler and Leila weren't with me anymore. I was about to turn around, but the sound of swords clinging and yells of pain flowed through my ears. Lydia could take care of Tyler, right?

I decided to continue running out of Eichen House; whenever I was here I would always hear the screams of the crazy people inside. I don't know how Tyler survived it here. My feet splashed in a couple puddled, but I didn't care as I finally got to the fence where everyone was fighting. That's when I saw Y/N – not looking – get impaled with a sword from one of the Oni. I couldn't react or say anything as the sword was out of her body.

The Oni then disappeared and I was quick to run to Y/N before she fell to the ground. I held her in my arms, watching as her life was ending right before my eyes.

I placed my hand on her's, trying to take her pain away. "I – I can't take your pain away."

"That's because it doesn't hurt," Her voice was strained, I needed to try harder to take her pain away. "It's okay."

I hold her tighter in my arms, but no tears came out yet. This couldn't be happening right now; it wasn't real. "Y/N please–"

"Shh," Y/N tries to sooth me. "I'm in the arms, of my first love. The person I'll always love. I – I love you Shawn...Shawn Mendes."

I loved her so much too, all of our memories were spiraling in my head right now. One of my favorites popped up: it was when we first met, when I first found out about my werewolf abilities and where the start of such an epic romance started.

"Y/N..." I trail off. I could feel the tears brimming my eyes, knowing the end was getting closer.

"You have to tell my dad. Tell him..." And that's when I saw the blood trickle from her mouth and she slumped in my arms.

I closed her eyes with my fingers and looked over her one last time. "Y/N. Y/N!"

That's when I looked at everyone around me – they were crying, heart broken. The thing is, they didn't know her as long as I did. This girl in my arms right now was and is everything to me. We had a complicated relationship, but we would always find our way back to each other.

"I love you," I whispered to her; wishing I would've said it earlier so she would die at least knowing that.

So, I sat there. In the cold night; my best friend is god knows where and the love of my is dead in my arms.


what.did.i.just.do. this scene...don't get me started. i based this scene all off of memory because no way in hell was i re-watching that. hopefully i didn't make you cry lmao. this will probably be the last teen wolf imagine with shawn, but i might to the vampire diaries because that show also is my life.

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