[46] Best Friends

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this isn't a love imagine, it's about shawn being your best friend. i decided to do something different so i hope you like it :)

I looked through the freezer and found the thing I was looking for: cookie dough ice cream. I already had two box if tissues upstairs, candles lit around the room, and One Tree Hill on pause on my TV. This was my essential 'my boyfriend just broke up with me' kit.

Daniel Rivers: my ex who broke up with me just a day ago because he didn't feeling anything for me anymore. Last time I checked he said 'I love you' to me just a week ago on our two year anniversary.

I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and walked back upstairs. I shut my door and locked it so no one could get in; my brother was down the hall and I definitely didn't want him checking up on me. I turned on One Tree Hill again and sat back on my bed. I started to feel lonely as I saw Nathan and Haley dance at their wedding. Daniel and I talked about getting married one day; that's how committed we were.

My life sucks.

I grabbed my phone and texted my best friend since birth – Shawn – to come over. He lived right next to door to me so in just a couple minutes her knocked on my bedroom door and I opened it for him. He held a spoon in his hand as he already knew what was going on.

"Should I kill Daniel or...?" Shawn trailed off as he took a bite of ice cream.

I laughed and sat back down. "No killing Shawn. Maybe you can punch him tomorrow?"

Shawn nodded and said that he would do it. "You deserve better Y/N. Daniel thinks that falling in love is stupid, but he's so wrong. He'll end up living alone with three cats, just watch."

"And I'll be making so much money while he rots in his little apartment," I grin as I start to make a joke out of this.

Making the worst situations funny really helped me. They made me forget the bad things in life and focus on how I could get past it. I then realized that the constant person I would have in my life would be Shawn. There were never romantic feelings between us, it was rare to find a guy who you could just be good friends with.

I leaned my head on Shawn's shoulders and sighed, "Maybe two punches for Daniel would suffice."

"Anything for you Y/N."


this was hella short but i had to get something up since i haven't updated in a while. BUT THANK YOU FOR OVER 100K READS!!! I'M AT 111K NOW AND IT'S JUST INSANE. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

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