[63] Don't Be A Fool

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I checked myself in the mirror one more time before applying another layer of lipstick. I had to look my best today because I was going on a dinner date with Shawn – well, not a date, but we've been talking for a while and I was pretty sure he was going to finally ask me out. All our friends have told me we were meant to be since I was the only one he would play his songs to.

"Are you nervous?" Haley asked me right as I was getting in the car.

I put the phone between my ear and shoulder, putting my purse in the passenger seat. "Of course I am. I have been waiting for this day since middle school."

Haley laughs over the phone. "I'm so glad this is finally happening for you. Good luck!"

I hang up so I can get going. The drive is only five minutes, so I get there just in time. Shawn's already sitting at the table, drinking his water. I sit down and give him a joyful smile.

"Hey," When I say this he finally looks up at me like he was afraid to before. "Everything alright?"

Shawn doesn't waste time as he takes his hand in mine across the table. This is it, we're finally going to be together after all these years. "Y/N, you have made me so happy for as long as I can remember. Whenever I needed someone, you were always the first person I called. If I wrote a new song you would always be so open to hearing it. You're my muse for music and I wouldn't be in the position I'm in right now if it weren't for you. However, I do wanna tell you this–"

"Yes I'll go out with you," I interrupt him because I didn't want anything ruining this moment. "I've loved you for the longest time and I can't believe it's took us this long...why are you staring at me like that?"

The look on Shawn's face held so much pain and loss. What the hell was going on? "Y/N, I asked you on this dinner so we could talk. I do love you, so much, but I'm not the guy for you. Soon, I'm going on a world tour and I won't be there for you every night. Don't wait on me please, you need a man who will be by your side every second of the day."

"What if I don't want that?" I argue with him. This was so not happening right now. "What if I want you and only you? You and I...epic; soulmates. We can get through this."

Shawn shook his and ran a hand through his hair. "No we can't. Don't be a fool Y/N, I can't give you what you want. I do want to talk this out more though."

I lean back in my chair, deciding what to do. My mind makes up a choice when I push back my chair and retrieve my purse. "I can't believe you would do this to me. It's like we're breaking up, but we haven't even dated at all yet. Why can't you see that you make me happy? You're all I need in my life! I hope you realize that one day when you're all alone in your tour bus and no one is there to comfort you."

I walk out without another regret. Surprisingly, one year later after his tour he was at my dorm room, wanting me to be his.


part 2? idk that's up to you guys. butttt i hope you liked this, it was lowkey rushed cause i'm tired and wanted to get this up before i go to bed.

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