[15] Amneisa

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"This where we had our first date, our first kiss," I tell him, pointing to the spot near the lake.

Shawn closes his eyes and reopens them, "I-I don't remember. I'm sorry."

Tears threaten to come out of my eyes but I won't let them, this isn't his fault.

"How about we try somewhere else, maybe the restaurant you spilt your pasta everywhere. Or maybe-"

"Y/N," He interrupts me. "I think I would've remembered this place if this was where our first kiss was."

I cast my eyes downwards, Shawn puts an arm around my shoulder and brings me close to him.

"But I'm not afraid to start over."

He doesn't get it, I would love to start over with him, but we had so many memories we can't just give it up.

"Shawn...I want to continue to be with you, but the thing is all the amazing memories that I remember you won't."

"I'm sorry, I know I can't remember. But I know you good enough that I really like you."

"Just a couple weeks ago you said you were in love with me," I whisper.

He kisses the top of my head lightly, "How about we post-pone this till tomorrow. Let me have a night to rest."

I sighed knowing that we couldn't, "Shawn we can't remember? I leave for NYU tomorrow."

Shawn's mouth forms an 'o', "Shit I forgot. Well maybe we could um-I honestly don't know."

"Lets just drive home, I still have some things to pack."

Shawn agrees and we both get in the car and drive home.

"Let me walk you up," Shawn offers placing the keys in his pocket.

We both get out and walk up the steps to my house.

"I wish we could continue this, but college awaits me," I give Shawn a hug. "Goodnight."

I place the keys in the key hole but a hand wraps around me.

"Listen. There's something in my heart that's telling me I love you, but my mind is telling me it's not true. I'm drawn to you Y/N, even though you're just a new friend to me right now I can't help but imagine what life was like before the crash. I want so badly to remember but I hate myself because I can't. So...I'm going to do one thing that I want to do-and I hope it will help," Shawn cups my face and places his lips on mine.

I've missed this, so much. The feelings of his warm lips on mine were magical. I thought it was going to be a short kiss, but he turned it into something much longer.

I pulled away finally, not wanting my dad to come out seeing this.

"I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow my love," He whispers.

I was about to say something, but he sped off into his car and drove off.

Sorry for not updating as much as I can. Hopefully I can make more frequent updates.


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