[4] Notes

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Imagine being the waitress at a café and Shawn is your customer.

The café was booming today with college students from Toronto University. I had to keep bringing coffee and pastries in and out of the kitchen to customers with laptops and homework assignments. I was practically sweating as it was already when it came around noon.

"Club Sandwich no tomatoes table 12!" The cook calls out. I grab the plate of food and bring it to table 12.

"Thank you." The girls says before returning back to her work.

The clock beeps and I realize it's my break time. Finally. I sit down on a stool and ask for some water. A waitress comes up from behind me and asks, "Would you mind getting that booth back there their coffee? I have a handful of orders to deal with."

I mentally groan before grabbing the coffee and heading over to the back of the café.

"Here you go sir." I place the coffee down on the table, the man looking up at me.

"Thank you." He gives me a smile before going back to whatever he was doing.

There were papers scattered all over the table and he had an ink pen in his hand. I caught a glimpse of what he was writing and the heading of one page read, 'Life Of the Party'. Whatever that meant, it seemed boring.

The whole day consisted of me taking a couple breaks and serving food the rest of the time. I was working all day because I needed the extra money to pay for supplies and books for my classes at Toronto University. I offered to close up so I was sweeping the floors and noticed the same guy from earlier today still in that same booth, writing whatever he was down onto those papers. His eyes glance up and he catches my staring. His hand goes up and calls me over. My feet make my way over to him.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yeah can I have another glass of coffee, decaf please with no sugar." The guy hands me his empty cup and I take it back to the kitchen to fill up.

I noticed he had several plates on his table, he must've stayed here all day long. I finish filling up the coffee, adding no sugar, before heading back to the booth and handing it to him.

"Thank you." He says for the second time today.

"Um we're closing soon so you might want to pack up and leave."

"Yeah okay just give me a couple more minutes." I give him a nod and walk to the counter and wipe it off one last time.

A couple minutes later, as the guy said, slings his back pack over his shoulders and leaves. I walk over to his table and realize there are a neat stack of papers still on the table, realizing it is his work I grab it and as I'm about to take it back to him there's something in me that wants to read it and see what he spent all day working on.

As I continue to read what is on this paper I realize it is lyrics to a song, his song. I get to the last part and clap silently of how well this guy did. The bottom reads something, "Hey Y/N (I know it from your name tag I'm not a stalker lol) but I just came in here this morning with writers block on writing my song and when I saw you come in for work I immediately knew you were my inspiration. You're very gorgeous and have the cutest smile ever. Please call me or text me so you can give back my 'accidental' left papers in the café. My number is 407-373-5892 Guess you'll have to see me again. Oh by the way my name is Shawn, Shawn Mendes."

I smiled at his way of flirting and put the papers neatly in my purse. I couldn't wait to see him; so that's why I went that night.

Please don't call that number I put, it's a random one😂

Remember to vote and comment, I liked this imagine :)

I'm also very tired so I'm going to bed, make sure thought to check out my other stories, just go to my profile and to follow me on Instagram (holyyshawn)


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