[59] All An Act Part 1

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requested by @hemmotherapy1293

There was definitely something different about him when I first met him; something no other guy had. I could never pinpoint it out, but it was there. The way he walked down the hallway, it was like he had so much confidence and didn't give a damn what anyone said.

So, that's why I was in an empty classroom, my shirt unbuttoned already, and bad boy from the hallway touching me everywhere. My legs were wrapped around his muscular torso; he gripped my thighs hard and I knew that red marks were going to be left. His lips slowly trailed from my mouth and to my jawline. Soft moans escaped my lips, but I had to keep quiet since it was lunch period.

We've been at this for the past two weeks.

Yes, Shawn and I did have our good moments, but it was mainly just us making out and sleeping together. I knew this wasn't me...but he was just so damn hot.

"I'm hungry, maybe we should just skip today," I whisper to him as I was unable to fully use my voice.

Shawn shook his head and brought it up to my face. "My lunch is right here."

I cupped his face and kissed him hard. His teeth grazed my bottom lip and bit it softly. I didn't know how he did this, but I was trapped under some sort of spell. I took my shirt off and threw it to the floor. He slowly unbuckled his belt, pulling out the foil package from his pocket.

"Ready when you are."


It was the end of the day and I was looking for Shawn. I had decided we should do something more "couple-like", so I thought we could go to the movies together. As I walked out of school, I turned to see his group of friends look up at me all of a sudden.

"Nice ass, Y/L/N!" Gilinsky yelled and whistled at me.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, but another guy – Sammy – called out to me. "I wish I could have my girlfriend hook up with me in a teacher's classroom for two weeks."

That's when my feet froze to the ground. I slowly turned around at them and narrowed my eyes, "Shut the hell up, won't ya?" Shawn's friends were total jerks and I never affiliated with them.

The other Jack of the group, Johnson, turned his phone to show me his screen. It was a picture of me naked on the teacher's desk. "Too bad it was all an act."

I slapped the phone out of his hand, which made it fall hard to the floor and crack. "You guys are idiots."

"He was the one who made the bet, don't blame us," A curly haired kid (pretty sure his name was Nate) said from the back of the group. "Honey, you were just part of his little act. If he could hook up with the principal's daughter for a whole month then we would all give him twenty dollars. He was so close."

I stared to back away from the group, but Shawn came walking out of the school. He stuttered to a stop when he saw me next to the group. My eyes were blurry from the tears forming and I didn't know how to breathe at the moment.

"I was so stupid for even thinking you wanted something serious!" I yell at him with as much anger as I can. "Get out of my life."

I didn't think that would faze him, but I saw something snap behind his eyes. He didn't show it, but I could read people so well. I turned around quickly and walked away towards my car.

"Oh look, another one of my depressed hook ups walk away," Shawn said to his friends.

I stuck out my middle finger at them and slammed my car door shut. After I put on my seatbelt, I caught a glimpse of my messed up makeup in the mirror. I slam my hands on the steering wheel as hard as I can. I was so stupid for even taking interest in Shawn.

It was all just an act.


i hope you guys liked this, and yes there will be a part 2! it's really late and my eyes are hurting so i'm going to go to bed lol

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