[45] Guitar Lessons

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"I give up!" I groan placing the guitar next to me. Writing new songs were a pain in the ass when you couldn't get the chords right on the guitar.

Being an 18 year old on tour was hard, especially when you were touring with Shawn Mendes. It was a conjoined tour because everyone seemed to love us together, plus I've known him for about five years now.
A knock on my dressing room door tore my gaze away from the music sheet. I yelled for them to come in; the door opened revealing Shawn.

"Um, you okay Jessie? I heard you yell," He says closing the door behind him and sitting down on the couch beside me.

I shook my head and placed the pencil next to the song sheet. "I'm writing a new song, but I can't get the beat right on the guitar for the chorus."

"I can teach you," Shawn offered. "But only if you want it of course."

I nodded my head and handed Shawn my guitar. He took it and looked over the music sheets before tuning the guitar. He tried a couple of strings and then strummed the tune.

I looked at him in astonishment, "How?"

Shawn laughed and set the guitar in my hands. "I think you have the chords in the wrong order, flip the A and B chord."

When I didn't do anything, Shawn scooted closer to me and placed his hands on mine. His body was pressed up against me and I couldn't help but feel that the room got hotter. We had a complicated relationship; we weren't technically dating, but we would always flirt with each other and one time we did actually kiss. I told him to forget it ever happened.

Shawn entangled our fingers as he helped me strum the guitar. I memorized how his delicate hands strummed the chords and how beautiful it sounded. I looked back at him and said, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." As he said that his head moved closer to mine. The look in his eyes showed that he wanted to kiss me so badly, but I made myself pull away. I wasn't going to date the guy I was on tour with.

"Do you not like me Jessie?" Shawn blurts out. "You always give me signs that you want me, but then when I try and make a move you reject me."

I sighed and scooted away a little. "Dating in Hollywood comes with so much shit. So many girls adore you Shawn, what's going to happen when you're caught with me?"

"They love you though," he argues. "I see so many comments saying, '#jawn is otp'. Nothing's holding you back."

Now I had no idea what to say back. I did indeed see those comments and now I had no excuses. "I – um, I don't know what to say now."

"You don't have to say anything," Shawn said, and without warning he caressed my face and pressed our lips together.


this was short, so hopefully this was good enough for what you requested! also, i have 1k followers which is freaking amazing, and this book is almost at 100k reads, that's fucking crazy!!!

PLUS: i'm trying to change my twitter name, but everything i put is taken. anyone have any suggestions? if so, please do an inline comment here! (username could do something with shawn, teen wolf, or the vampire diaries)

make sure to vote and comment :)


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