[17] Running Low

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Another song title imagine because I'm in love with this song so much

I sat in my living room staring at my phone, he hasn't called me in weeks. I know he was busy on tour but still, I would be satisfied with even a simple text. I remember the good times, before all his fame began. We would lay in an open field and stare at the stars; it was so freaking cheesy but I loved it so much.

Ever since his music career took off he's been on tour all the time. The longest I saw him in person was at Christmas and a couple days after. It's May now, still haven't seen him since January 1st and I haven't spoken to him in weeks. I didn't want to call him because I was afraid he was pissed at me and I didn't want to be disappointed with another voicemail.

"Screw it," I whisper to myself as I grab my phone.

The doorbell rings and I go to it, I expect mom but I'm met with him.


"Um...hey," He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back ad forth.

He looks kinda different from the last time I saw him, his hair is cut short, he looks like he's gotten a major tan, his clothes attire is different; more bad ass, and he looks much more muscular.

He comes in without me giving him permission, this must be serious. I would come up with theories as to why he is here, but seeing him in person when I haven't seen him in months is too overwhelming.

"Can you sit?" Shawn asks when he takes a seat on the couch.

I nod my head and take a seat next to him. Shawn takes his hands in mine and looks at me.

"How did you feel when we didn't talk or see each other?" He asks me.

I say the first that comes to my mind, "Depressed."

Shawn sighs and shakes his head. Did I say something wrong?

"For weeks I'm on the road, it's like I'm in a whole different world. I would sit by my phone every night, but never text or call you. Even when I had days off I wouldn't come and visit you. I remembered the cute little dates we had; when things weren't so hectic."

"Shawn. I love you, I can't believe you're here. Lets just make the most of today."

"No," Shawn says. "Did I hurt you with not calling you?"

I nod my head. "But-"

"We can't be together Y/N. I hurt you, I've been hurting you for the past couple of months and it's killing me every single fucking day. You deserve someone who's always there for you, someone who never hurts you."

"We can work new things out Shawn," I reassure.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," He places one last kiss on my lips before walking out the door.

This was short but I liked it. This imagine book is almost at 2k!! Thank you for the reads and votes❤️


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