[2] Never Be Alone

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Imagine your boyfriend breaking up with you and you go to Shawn's house, your best friend, for comfort.

The road was blurry and I didn't know where I was going. I wasn't going to Grace's house because she was in this as well. My phone keeps buzzing in the center console, I glance to see many texts from Zack. Why is he texting me? I hate him.

It's a good thing nobody is on the road because I would've crashed into someone by now. My car pulls into a drive way and I immediately regret coming here. Shawn warned me that Zack would break my heart and I didn't listen to him, plus he told me that when he breaks my heart he won't want to see me at his doorstep. Too late.

My feet make their way up the doorsteps and my fist connects with the door. Moments later a sleepy, messy hair Shawn in only sweatpants opens the door.

He rubs his eyes with his large hands and his chocolate eyes meet mine, "Y/N? Why are you crying?"

Shawn embraces me into a tight hug and my head rests on his chest. His heartbeat is soothing me so much right now.

"You were right...he hurt me badly. He slept with Grace; I should've listened to you Shawn. I'm so sorry-"

"Do not be sorry. You were in love with him, I saw that but I knew the real Zack. He was a shallow man who cared to be the center of attention. I'm so sorry bab-Y/N, you can stay here if you want." I nod my head and Shawn quietly brings me upstairs.

I take off my shirt and pants and Shawn hands me his Toronto hoodie.

"Thanks." I mumble.

I lay on the right side of the bed and pull the covers over me. Shawn's muscular arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me to him.

"This is nice." His breath is warm against my neck and I feel the goosebumps.

"He didn't deserve you Y/N, he was a total dick. You are so damn beautiful Y/N, so damn beautiful. Any guy would be so lucky to have you, you'll get over him. He isn't your whole life, it may seem like that now but you will get over him. I promise you." He continues.

"You are amazing, thank you Shawn. Goodnight." I wipe the remaining tears off my face and snuggle closer to him.

"Goodnight love."


Short but cute imagine I guess. Shawn makes me so happy but he's such a child, smh.

Remember to vote and comment, it makes me want to write more :)

You can request an imagine if you want to, just message me or dm me on Instagram 'holyyshawn'


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