Interview/kind of

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Faith's POV

I finally get to Michael's house and It's a beautiful mansion with amazing greenery. I don't knock on the door straight away and walk around admiring the landscape for awhile. "The view from the back is even better" I jump an turn to see Michael giggling slightly "how long have you been there?"

"awhile" he chuckles slightly under his breath and walks closer to me smiling "it's really beautiful out here" I smile back amazed by the beautiful landscaping "C'mon I wanna show you something" he takes my hand and starts leading me towards the back of the house.

We go to the back of the house and I stop surprised "You have a llama!?" I gasp slightly "Mhm... his names Louie"

Michael's POV

I stand and watch Faith play with Louie. her eyes lit up when she saw him (He has that effect on people) "I read that article you did about animal cruelty it was really good"

"thank you" she blushes slightly. "I have some more animals if you wanna see?"


We stay outside for awhile longer playing with the animals and talking. I don't ask her anything to personal, because I want her to feel more comfortable before I try and get to personal with her, so we mainly talk about animals and the different charities we've both helped. "Do wanna go and get some juice?" I ask realising she's been here over an hour and I haven't actually invited her inside yet. she nods and we go inside.


Faith's POV

Michael is fixing us both some juice and my phone beeps. I look and see it's a text from my mom

Did you see the you see the oxygen chamber yet? Don't forget to ask him about his brothers affair with a stripper

I sigh and roll my eyes deleting the message. I told her not to call or message me while I was here but she still insists on doing it. "Everything ok?" Michael asked walking back over to me with our drinks "Mhm" I fake a smile putting my phone back in my pocket, taking my glass of juice from him "soo...are you gonna give me the tour?"  I smile looking around the kitchen
"of course!" He smiles back taking my hand And shows me around the whole house.

The last room we get to is his bedroom which I'm surprised he even showed me this room.


Michael POV

I wasn't sure if I should have shown Faith my bedroom or not. But I showed her everywhere else so it would have been kinda weird if I didn't show her this room too "And this is my room" I smile and she walks over and looks around a little.

I sit on the edge of the bed while she goes over to the window "you have an amazing view from here" she smiles coming over and sits on the bed next to me "You wanna watch a movie?" I ask "sure what do you wanna watch?" She shrugs.

"whatever you want" I point over to the DVDS and she goes over and looks for a moment. "American werewolf in London?"

"Ok, you wait here and I'll go get us some popcorn" I smile and she sits down on the bed waiting for me.


I'm downstairs getting the popcorn and Quincy calls my house phone "hey Mike how did the interview with Faith go did you get any dirt yet?" He asks "not yet. we haven't actually started the interview yet" (I'd actually forgotten all about that) "Not started? I thought she came over at 10am it's 2:30pm now, how long is she gonna be there?"

"Not sure, but we're gonna watch a movie right now then we'll probably do the interview after" I shrug and he goes silent for a moment "your watching a Movie?" He asks confused
"Yeah we're gonna watch American werewolf in London. I just came downstairs to get the popcorn"

"Downstairs? Wait...where's faith?" He says suspiciously "She's waiting in my room for me" he goes quiet for a moment then sighs down the phone "Mike are you telling me that you have a reporter's, attractive, underage daughter upstairs in your bed?"

"ON the bed! Not IN the bed!" I snap getting a little defensive "Mike, listen to me... just kick the kid out of your house and forget your whole plan on getting dirt on Julie Owen or whatever game your playing. This isn't gonna end well" I sigh down the phone not seeing the problem. all we're doing is watching a movie "Quincy, it's fine. trust me"

Faith's POV

I had a good snoop around Michael's room, but there wasn't anything really out of the ordinary. just the usual stuff you'd expect in a 23 year olds guys room. I hear Michael coming back so quickly get back on the bed. I haven't asked him anything about his personal life yet. I've already started to gain his trust, but I need to get a little closer to him before I try and get him to really open up to me.

Michael's POV

I Get upstairs and Faith is laying on the top of the bed propped up at the headboard waiting for me "You ready?" she smiles and I nod switching on the movie. Then go an lay next to her.

During the movie We don't really talk much because we're to busy enjoying the movie. I keep glancing over at her from the corner of my eye to check she's OK, but I can't help but notice she's wearing shorts and a really tight tank top that hugs her in all the right places. I know It's rude to stare at people and I shouldn't even be looking at her this way, but I can't help but look. She really is a beautiful girl and she's lay next to me on my bed. What man wouldn't be attracted to her. She glances over and smiles slightly through pursed lips then looks away. I look down and realised the whole time I was looking at her I was getting more and more aroused by her. "I'm just going to the bathroom" I jump up quickly running to the bathroom before she notices.

I go in the bathroom and do (what I gotta do) then come back, feeling a mixture of guilt and pleasure. she doesn't say anything so I'm guessing she didn't notice (luckily!)


After the movie, I make us something to eat and we hang out a little longer before she heads home. After she leaves I realise we've spent the whole day together and we didn't even do the interview or talk about anything personal, in fact neither of us had even brought the interview up. I was having so much fun hanging out with Faith and getting to know her,  I'd completely forgot the reason why I suggested she come over.

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