moving on

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Kai's POV

It's been two weeks since what happened and Michael seems to be getting worst. I don't regret calling I the police that day, but I do feel bad about it.

He's taken the breakup really hard and ever since Faith left, Michael has spent most time in his room drinking and barely eats and he even fired all his staff because he didn't want anybody around. He fired me to, but I still come by everyday because I can't just leave him like this.

After fixing Michael some breakfast I head upstairs.
"I made you some breakfast" I smile slightly going into the room. "I'm not hungry" he mumbles, turning over. "Michael, you haven't eaten in 3 days and you haven't been going to the studio and your supposed to be doing and interview today. You can't go on like this. You have to face the world eventually"

"I'm not doing any interview and i'll go to the studio when I feel like"

"But Michael..."

"Will you quit nagging me, like your my fucking wife! My business is nothing to do with you and why are you even in my house? I thought I thought I fired you!?" He snaps. "You did but I'm not going anywhere and leaving you to destroy yourself. You need help and whether you like it or not, I'm not going anywhere until your better"

"Well I'm not gonna get better so your wasting your time" he frowns. "Faith still not called?" I sigh and he shakes his head. "I saw her on some talk show with her mom the other day though. She looked really good and seemed happy" he croaks getting upset all over again. "Which is how you should be" I point out and he doesn't answer me and I sigh heavily. "Michael, is this all this really worth it?"

"What do you mean?" He frowns confused. "Ever since Faith came along, you've been arrested twice and..."

"That wasn't her fault" he cuts me off "Julie was the one that called the police not her and the last time was because of you! And..."

"Because you kidnapped the girl!" I cut him off "It wasn't like that. She was coming around and.."

"No, she was scared! And even if she wasn't, look at everything else that's happened. You haven't spoken to LaToya in God knows how long and you and Jackie used to be close and now look at you both"

"That's down to her. She's the one that went and got married in secret and hasn't bothered to talk to any of us and with Jackie that's understanble. Faith's his daughter and..."

"She's your neice" I cut him off "no she's not" he shakes his head and I sigh. "Maybe what happened was for the best" I mutter and he looks at me confused "How is Faith leaving me and aborting my child for the best!?"

"I understand that you love her, but she's not even here and look at what she's doing to you. Being with Faith has only ever caused you problems and drama. Do you really need all that?"

"Get out!" He snaps "What? I'm just trying to make you under..."

"I said get the fuck out of my house! I don't you here and I don't want you to come back!!! Just leave me alone!"

Faith's POV

I haven't seen or spoken to Michael or any of the Jackson's in about 2 weeks. I do want to see them, but after what happened, I have no idea what's going on with them or if they'd even want to talk to me. I never told anybody the full story about what happened so as far as the Jackson's are aware I had Michael arrested for nothing and they all probably hate now.

Since i've been back, I've been getting stuck into my home schooling, (which I was really behind on) and helping out my mom alot to try and take my mind off everything. Even after what happened I do still love Michael and miss him like crazy, I've read his text message over and over a billion times and I've been tempted to call him, but I have no idea what to even say to him or if he'd even want to talk to me anymore, especially since I've done nothing but cause problems for him. Michael has women falling all over him all the time and has probably already found someone new by now and moved on to someone that's beautiful and smart and doesn't bring him any drama like I did and I wouldn't blame him either. Without the headache of me getting in the way and causing problems for him, he can now get on with his life and be happy.

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