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LaToya's POV

It's the day of Jackie and Michael's interview and I'm in the kitchen at my mothers house talking to with Jackie.

"I still don't think it's fair you having to lie just to protect Michael and Faith. Their the ones in the wrong here not you" I sigh "I'm not doing this to protect Michael or because I condone what their doing because trust me I don't"

"But Faith's your daughter and your gonna have to hide that from everybody yet again"

"from the media yes, but I don't care what they think. All I care about was Faith knowing the truth and having a relationship with my daughter and I have that so it doesn't matter what the press think.

"so why are you protecting them and keeping their dirty little secret then? If you don't care what the press thinks?" I shrug "I'm not protecting their secrets. I'm protecting my daughter and my grand child she's carrying. Faith and Michael maybe messed up in the head to think what their doing is ok, but that doesn't the baby should have to suffer"

"are your ok with that? Faith having a baby?" I ask "my brother knocked up my 17 year old daughter of course I'm not ok with it!" He frowns "so why are you not doing anything about it? You've gotten mad at Michael, but I haven't seen you try and talk to Faith about it or try and talk her out of keeping it" I point out "and you really think Michael's gonna stand back and let her abort his kid?" He raised an eyebrow at me "he doesn't need to know. She could say she miscarried or something" I suggest "Michael takes her everywhere with him and any doctors she sees. He's the one that hires them privately so he'd know"

"I didn't know he was controlling of her" I mumble and he looks at me confused "I never said he was controlling. I meant that...." He's cut off mid sentence by the front door opening and Faith and Michael calling for Jackie making their presence known. "we'll talk about this later" he turns to me then quickly leaves to greet his daughter.

I'm about to follow behind him and I get a text and stop to read it

From: Jack

You better get it, by the time I see you or else

I take a deep breath shakily trying to keep my composer so the others don't get suspicious and ask any questions. I hate doing this to them I really do and as much as I hate to admit it. I can clearly see how much Faith and Michael love each other and I've never seen Michael so happy with any girl, but I know what will happen to him and the others if I don't. I know Jack isn't bluffing because his threats are real and every threat he's ever made on me, he's always kept it.


Faith's POV

LaToya brings us all some drinks we all sit in the living room and discuss what Jackie and Michael are going to say on the interview and check if I'm ok with it. "Michael, you need to point out about the two of you being close friends" Jackie tells Michael and he nods then Jackie turns to me "and then we say that's how the rest of us met you and we've all remained close. Is that ok with you?" He asks and I nod and smile through pursed lips "and what about the Baby? Or Faith being with Michael?" LaToya cuts in "we're not telling people about that yet" I reply "and we can't. Not for a few months anyway" Michael adds. "so how exactly are you going to explain Faith's pregnancy?" She raises and eyebrow at him "we're gonna say we got together shortly after she turned 18 and she got pregnant the first time" Michael shrugs "but what about when people add up the dates?"

"we're gonna say I'm only a few weeks" I explain and she shakes her head. "but you'll be three months and will be showing by then. Do you really think people won't figure that out when you go into labour at six months?"

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