Apart of me

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Michael's POV

I got a text from Faith this morning, saying she'll be coming back tonight. She's only been gone three days, but I missed her like crazy and I can't wait to see her again. I've never felt like this about any girl before. I've had girlfriends obviously, but none them understood me the way Faith does, which I think that's why I've fallen for her so fast. She gets me and she never questions or tries to changed me like the others. She likes me for me and not the fame or the money.

I'm at the studio working on my new single, but no matter what I keep messing it up and all I can think about is Faith. she only text me once today and normally she would text me throughout the day and call at least once and I'm starting to worry that maybe she's found somebody else while she was away. "Mike what the hell is wrong with you today?" Quincy asks concerned "I'm sorry. My heads all over the place today"

 "it's that girl isn't it?" he folds his arms frowning "I warned you about her. Look at what she's doing to you"

"she hasn't done anything! Why do you always have to blame her for everything!?" I snap "but it is about her?"

"she only text me once today to tell me she was coming home. She normally calls by now" I sigh looking at the ground and he rolls his eyes at me annoyed. "probably because she's busy! Just like you should be!"

"I know, but what if she's met someone...like the others" I mumble that last part and his expression quickly softens "you really like her don't you?"

"I know you don't like me being with her because she's a reporters daughter and I know I can get in a lot of trouble because she's only 17, but you don't see what I see. you don't see the true side to her nobody does" he sighs and rolls his eyes placing his hand on my shoulder. "Mike, everybody girl has that sweet other side to them and I'm sure Faith has that too, but look at what she's doing to you. she's not even here and she's messing with your head"

"Quincy, you know full well my heads been messed up since I was a kid. Joseph saw to that and yeah Faith's sweet but... it's all the other stuff too" I sigh and he looks at me confused. "before I knew her I automatically thought she was just a normal kid living a happy little life, but she's not. she's miserable and just like me She has to act like she's happy for appearances. The same way I always have to and she understands everything I've been through and what I'm still going through in my head because She's in the same situation and it's her mother that's made her this way. We have this closeness which nobody would understand. and we have this bond and we're apart of each other and it hurts when she's not around"

"how do you mean she's apart of you?" He frowns confused and I sigh looking away from him "I mean that she's just like me and I think that's why I've fallen for her so fast because she understands me and I understand her and when she's not here it hurts because all I wanna do is protect her and make all her pain go away"

 "is somebody hurting her!?" he widenss his eyes concerned and I shake my head "not physically. she's hurting the way I've been hurt by so many people" Quincy and I continue talking and my phone rings and I cut him off mid sentence and answer it.


"Hey baby, how's it going at work?"

"Works going great" I smile at the sound of her beautiful voice "What time will you be back?"

"it would go great if someone was actually working" Quincy mutters. and Faith giggles slightly after hearing him in the background. "I won't be back until late. But I'll come over first thing tomorrow morning if your not busy?"

"I'm not busy at all. I'm free all day tomorrow" I smiles and Quincy frowns shaking his head at me and I ignore him continuing my conversation "miss you"

"Aww, baby I miss you too. I'm gonna have to get going before I miss my flight. I call you later ok?"

"Ok. I talk to you soon. Text me when you get back to let me know you got back safe"

"I will I promise... and Michael?"


"Get some work done!" We both giggle then end the call and I turn to Quincy who's standing with his arms folded "actually, you have a lot of business meetings tomorrow" he reminds me "not now I don't" I shrug smiling. "We should probably get some work done" I say getting back to work "Hallelujah! Finally!" he waves his hands in the air following behind me as I leave the dressing room.


Faiths POV

When we get home I go straight to my room and drop on the bed. I'm so exhausted after spending three whole days of my mothers constant complaining about everything . Just as I close my eyes I hear my door knocking "Go away!" I groan not even attempting to sit back up and My mother walks in with Fernando "are you coming down for dinner?"

"I just wanna sleep" I groan putting the covers over myself. "ok, well your mother and I will see you in the morning. we have a lot of catching up to do" Fernando winks at me "ewww" I scrunch my face in disgusted by the though of the two of them.

"you'll understand when your older sweetie. Good night" My mother rolls her eyes giggling.

I roll my eyes as they leave. It's really late so I send Michael a quick text message letting him know I'm home safe like I promised him I would. I've really missed him the last few days. He's the only person I can really talk to and understands me.

I've only been gone a few days so it's weird I missed him so much in such a short amount of time. I've really fallen for Michael. haven't told him this because I don't him to think i'm clingy and scare him off but,  I feel like he's the one and the one I want to experience my first time with.

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