The perfect image

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Faith's POV

I come home and head straight for the shower then head to my room and change into a pair of black shorts and red vest top then check my phone. Michael still hasn't called or text me. I feel so embarrassed after running out on Michael like some stupid little kid and I know I've blown things with him for sure. I get out my homework and try to distract my self from what happened, but before I can even put my pen to the paper my phone rings. And my heart jumps seeing it's Michael.

"hello" I answer nervously "Hey, sorry it took so I long to call rehearsals ran late.....Are you ok?"

"I didn't think you'd want anything to do with me after what I did?" I mumble and he goes quiet for a moment. "I didn't mean to scare you" he says softly. "you didn't was me, I um..." I sigh and take a deep breath about to speak and I here my mother shouting me. "We're home, Faith are you up there?"

"I have to go my moms home"

"W-wait...just tell me...are we breaking up already?"

"Is that what you want?" I ask nervously "No! Why would I wanna break up with you?"

"Michael, you can find any girl who's older, prettier, smarter and more....experienced than me, I'll understand If you don't wanna be with me" I croak trying not to cry "I can find someone older and experienced, but they won't smarter or prettier than you" he giggles trying to lighten the mood and I smile down the phone feeling myself blushing. "Soo... Are you gonna tell what I did wrong?" He asks and I'm about to speak when my door starts opening and I quickly hang up

"Who were you talking to?" My mom asks walking in. "does it matter?" I snap, pissed that she just walks in uninvited (yet again) "I bet it was Alex. I can tell by the look on your face"

"how's dad?" I ask changing the subject. "fine... I guess" she shrugs. "you've been with him for days" I frown. "sweetie, you know me and your dad only pretend to go on romantic trips away for the camera's. We don't actually talk or spend time together when nobody's around. We have and image to keep up remember?" she giggles slightly. "why does everything have to be a fucking game with you!?" I snap storming out of the room.

"what is with the attitude young lady? If you wanna know how your precious daddy's doing why don't you call him and ask him yourself? You know me and your father are just for show, we have to keep up the perfect family image for the public and the media, you know this. How many times do I have to explain this to you? WE'RE NOT GETTING BACK TOGETHER!"

"perfect family!? You got knocked up with me at 16 and have a fake ass marriage! why don't you two just quit with the bullshit and admit to everyone your divorced?" I snap "HEY! Do not speak to your mother like that!!" A deep male voice snaps at me and I turn and see a tall man walking out from the kitchen. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!?" I shout confused and my mother stands between us "Faith...this is Fernando...your new daddy" she smiles and I scoff pushing past him into the kitchen and he follows "now Faith, I know this is shock, but I know in time you and I are gonna be great friends" he smiles at me and I scoff an grabbing my keys from the counter and storm out.


I get in my car and call Michael and he answers after the first ring "Hi" I croak trying hard to fight back my tears "are you crying?" He asks concerned and I see my mother walking towards my car "Can I come over?"

"of course! You don't have to ask" My mother knocks on my window and I quickly hang up the phone "Faith! What the hell has gotten into you? You get back in that house and apologies right now!" She snaps at me and I ignore her and start the car and drive off. I'm so sick of these stupid games she always plays and her bringing these men home. She's always looking the perfect story so let's see how much fun she thinks it is when her perfect underage daughter (she claims I am in the media) goes fucks the man she hates the most. Im sure she'll love writing all about that.


Michael's POV

30 minuets go by and Faith finally gets here and I pull her into me kissing her temple "what happened is everything ok?"

"mhm" She fakes a smile and nods going into the living room "umm...would it be ok if I stay here tonight?"

"Faith, your my girlfriend now. you can stay here anytime for as long as want" I smile sitting beside her on the sofa and she starts sobbing and I pull her in close to me. "did you get in a fight with your mom or something?" I ask confused. I was about to ask when she was on the phone but she hung up before I had the chance "kind of... you know I told you my parents were going away?" She sniffles and I nod taking her hands in mine. "Well... I really thought this time was gonna different and my dad would come home" she sobs again and I look at her confused "come home? Doesn't he live with you and you mom?"

"not since I was a baby" she shakes her head "it's all fake. the whole thing is just for show for the media, they've been divorced for years. They just pretend and I have sit and smile and act like we're this big happy family" I . "I know that feeling" I sigh pulling her closer "you have to sit and listen to everyone go on about how your this perfect, wholesome, family and watch them fake a smile at each other and lie to the world about how happy we are....and the whole time thinking to yourself if only they knew what they were really like"


After awhile Faith stops crying and We sit cuddling "Faith will promise me something?"

"Hm?" She mumbles lifting her head from my chest to face me "if ever your sad,worried or scared or anything...will you promise me that you'll never fake a smile at me you did when you came here or at the studio" She smiles a real smile and nods "I promise" I smile back and kiss her softly then break away "why did you run out on me? Did I scare you or something?"

"I wasn't scared of you" she mumbles, slightly moving away shyly "then why did you run away?" She takes a deep breath and sighs looking at the ground "I've only ever really made out with a guy and I felt too embarrassed to tell you"

"but.... you let me touch you before and you've touched me and it didn't scare you then" I look at her confused and she furrows her eyebrows and shrugs "well..yeah through our clothes, but never like... actually.."

"Ohhh" Gasp softly, understanding what she means and I stroke a piece of hair from her face and smile "baby, you should have just told me If I was moving to fast" I smile "it's not that I don't want's just...I'm just scared it's gonna hurt. I've felt your dick and it feels huge and I haven't even seen it or..." She stops talking mid sentence/rambling then looks at the ground blushing slightly "well it is pretty big!" I giggle slightly, lightening the mood "you can see it if you want to?" I shrug cockily yet playfully and she giggles slightly under her breath. I cup her face in my hands looking seriously into her eyes "Faith, it's fine...if your not ready. I'm not gotta rush you ok? We can take things slow" I say softly "you sure?" I kiss her softly and smile "I'm sure" I stand up taking her hand "it's been on long day for both of us. we should gets some sleep"


We get to the bedroom and undress. I leave my boxers on and get into bed and give Faith a shirt, she keeps her underwear on and wears my shirt on over them. "Come here" I gesture to her and she climbs into the bed. I put the sheet around us both an pull her close to me and she leans forward kissing me deep and We make out for awhile. As much as I really want to, I don't try anything else with her tonight. I sensed that she did wanted to do more too, but as we were kissing I could sense her getting nervous and tensing up. I don't want her to feel pressured into it so I didn't try anything else, plus she's still upset about what happened with her mother so she's not really in any fit state of mind to make that kind of decision right now anyway, so we instead we make out for awhile before falling asleep.


Faith's POV

I wanted to go further with Michael, but as we were making out I could feel his huge and fully hard dick against me and started feeling nervous, which Michael could sense and started slowing things down. It's not that I'm scared to have sex with him and I do want to, but the first time is supposed to be special and memorable and I'm not sure I want my first time to be just to spite my mother after and argument.

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