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Faith's POV

I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to myself and there's a light tap on the door.

"Are you ok?" Michael asks softly and I nod and smile at him through pursed lips. "Are you sure your gonna be ok today?" He asks walking over and sits beside me. "Mhm" I nod "today's just bringing back alot of memories is all" I mumble and he nods, looking at the ground not saying anything.

"Do you ever think about her?" I ask and he nods and smiles "all the time. Do you?"

"Mhm. I always imagine what she'd be like now. She'd be walking and talking by now"

"Yeah, she'd probably be a little diva like her sister" he chuckles slightly under his breath at the thought, making me do the same then I sigh heavily.

"I wonder what Danny would have been like"

"I'm sure he would have been an amazing big brother to you" he smiles slightly through pursed lips. "We should probably go downstairs and check on everybody" I smile at him through pursed lips and he nods and takes my hand, helping my up from the bed.

We get to the bottom of the stairs an I wince slightly in discomfort

"What happened!? Are you ok!?" I hear Kathrine panic, rushing over to us. "I'm fine. Just the baby kicking"

"Are you sure? Maybe we should get you checked out with a doctor"

"I'm fine really" I shake my head. "If today's too much for you, you can always stay here" she says softly. "I'm fine and I'm saying goodbye to my brother today"

"I understand why you want to do this, but all this stress isn't good for you and the baby. Why don't I stay here and take care of you while..."

"Mother, the baby's fine, I promise you. We had a check up last week and the doctor said he's a perfectly healthy baby" Michael smiles rubbing my baby bump.

"I just don't want you under anymore stress and a funeral is hard enough without... these circumstances" she mumbles that last part and I smile at her through pursed lips. "Kathrine, you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to go if you don't want to" I say softly and she shakes her head. "I'm not saying I don't want to go. It's just..." she pauses trying to think of what to say. "Mother it's fine really. We don't want anybody to feel uncomfortable or like you have to go" Michael cuts in and she doesn't say anything for a moment. "I feel awful saying this, but the thought of attending another child's funeral.. You know what it's like when you lose a child and..." she croaks trying to get her words out. "You have nothing to feel awful about" I say softly. "Why don't you stay here with Precious? I'll call James and tell him to bring her back" Michael smiles and Kathrine looks at him confused. "Your body gaurds are babysitting?"

"He's really good with baby's, plus Who better than our bodyguards to babysit?" Michael shrugs. "A grandma that's who. Call him and tell him to bring her back" she says and Michael nods, taking out his phone. "Why don't I keep her overnight? Give you both a rest"

"You sure you don't mind?" I ask "of course not. Feels like I barley see her much these days"

"Have you spoken to my mom and Dad today?" I ask looking around, noticing neither of them are here. "Yeah, Jackie called and said him and Enid are gonna pick your mom up and bring her here" Michael says and I nod, not saying anything, hoping to myself that everything goes ok. My mom and Dad have learned to be civil to each other, but their gonna be together all day today and I'm still worried that their emotions may get in the way.

Jackie's POV

"I don't see why she couldn't just make her own way there" Enid says on the way to pick Julie up. "Because I told her we would" I shrug. "But, we have to drive back on ourselves to get to her house"

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