Other side Pt.1

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Michael's POV

"what about this? Does this one look ok?" Faith asks nervously and she's wearing a really cute yellow  summer dress. "baby, you look beautiful as always" I smile pecking her lips. "you don't think it's too short or..."

"it's fine" I chuckle slightly. "he's not coming here to judge you on your fashion. He's coming because you asked meet him. Just try and relax"

"how am I supposed to relax!? Jackie's coming here in a hour! How can you be so Calm about it?"

"probably because he's my brother and I've met him many times before" he shrugs "he's just as nervous about this as you, but trust me you'll both be fine. And if there is a problem just call me and I'll come straight home and..."

"your not staying!?" She cuts me off. "no, I'm gonna go to the studio, I need to record some stuff and it'll give you both some time alone to talk"

"you can't leave me here alone with him!"

"Faith, trust me, you'll both be fine. Jackie's a really nice guy and like I said he's just as nervous about this as you, but I think it's best I stay out of the way and let you both talk in private"

"why?" She frowns confused "because this isn't about me. It's about you and your dad meeting and getting to know each other and you getting the answers you want"

"it doesn't feel like that it though. It's feels weird calling him that" she sighs. "he won't be expecting you too" I say softly pulling her close to me. "I'll stay for a little while until you both feel comfortable ok?" I smile and she nods "thank you" she smiles putting her arms around me kisses me softly.

I do wanna stay and listen to what Jackie has to say about all this, but like I said to Faith. This is about the two of them getting to know each other and they have alot to talk about and all I'm gonna do is get in the way of that.


Jackie's POV

Julie's been trying to call me all morning, but I've just been ignoring her calls. I'm already all over the place about meet Faith and I'm nervous as hell about what she's going to ask although I have a pretty good idea of what her questions will be. I've never been this nervous before in my life and I know things are going to be awkward especially after how we first met and the situation with Michael.


I get to Michael's house and stand at the door and take a deep breath and brace myself before knocking on the door. Michael comes to the door and we both smile at each other through pursed lips as he invites me inside. I know this isn't his fault and he didn't know about Faith, but I still have this strong erge to punch him in the face.

"Faith's just in the kitchen" he motions me into the room and follows behind me. "hi" I smile nervously when Faith stands up from the breakfast bar and says she says hi back smiling the same way.

after a few minutes of mindless chit chat, mainly to break the tension Michael gets up "I'm gonna leave you guys to it. "your leaving?"

"yeah, I have some stuff to do at the studio" he smiles "I'll lock the door" Faith follows behind him and I stand at the door listening.

"baby, you'll be fine trust me ok? I'll be back in a few hours... I love you"

"I love you too" Faith says back to him and I hear them both kissing and I go back to the kitchen table, scrunching my face at the thought of my 23 year old brother in the next room making out with my 17 year old daughter . I hate to agree with Julie on anything, but this is one of the only times I do. Them two being together isn't right whether they knew about each of in the being or not. They know now and it's wrong for them to stay together in this way. I told Julie I was going to speak to Michael today and try and get him to see sense, but my main priority right now so getting to know Faith and whether I agree with the two of them or not, if it wasn't for Michael I wouldn't even have the chance to meet and talk to Faith today and if I get Michael to break up with her now, Faith will be gone, which is why I have no intention of trying to break them up at the moment anyway.

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