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Jackie's POV

"Your going out again?" Enid asks coming into the room as I'm finishing getting ready.

"I'm going to my mothers house to discuss the christening arrangements with Faith and Michael. I told you this days ago"

"Will she be there?" She mumbles "if you mean Julie then. Yes" I sigh rolling my eyes. "Me, her and my parents are gonna be godparents so we need to go over a few things before the day" I explain and she doesn't say anything for a moment.

"It's a little weird don't you think?" She mumbles and I turn and look at her confused. "One minute Faith and Michael Hate her and the next she's being a surrogate and carryig Michael's baby and then they don't speak for months and she disappears and now their all best friends again! It doesn't make sense" she frowns confused.

"They never 'hated' each other. All family's have their moments" I shrug off her comment.

I still haven't told Enid about me being Precious's biological father or about anything else that has happened and I have no intentions of doing so either. In the last few months everything has been going great and I don't see the point on dragging up what's happened because we're all trying to move past that and move on with our lives. Plus if Enid ever found out I was the one that fathered Precious, she'd make all our lives a living nightmare, especially if the press found out which is why I've kept as much as possible private from her so there's no worry about her running her mouth to the media.

"You know what she's doing don't you?" Enid says bringing me from my thoughts and I frown confused. "Faith! You don't think it's strange how she's always invited Julie around everytime your there?"

"Because it's her mom and she likes spending time with her" I shrug. "No.. she trying to set you both up. Why else would she always be trying to get the two of you together?"

"Your just being paranoid"

"Am I though?" She raises an eyebrow. "Yes. Faith just likes having both her parents around is all and can you blame her? She grew up with Julie barely there and me be non existent in her life and was raising a family of my own. She didn't get to have a mom and dad like our kids have"

"I understand that, but why can't she spent time with you without Julie there? Or why can't Faith come here and visit you alone?" She shrugs. "It's not all the time, but we have a daughter together and sometimes we do have to talk to each other. If me and you were to split up would you expect me to cuss you out in front of our kids or would you want us to be civil?" I raise and eyebrow and she doesn't say anything for a moment then sighs heavily.

"Of course not" she shakes her head. "I just feel like Faith's just playing games and trying to push me out. Always wanting you there every day and..."

"Faith isn't trying to do anything, but organise a christening for her daughter. Trust me" I smile at her through pursed lips. "I have to go" I smile and kiss the top of her head and leave.

Faith's POV

"You don't think a tiara will be little much?" Kathrine says when we show her the dress Precious is going to be wearing for her christening. "Of course not... Your gonna look like the beautiful princess you are!" Michael coos picking Precious up and she crawls towards him.

"But won't it just keep falling off her head?"

"That's why we're getting her one that fits her head" I sigh "plus you could always clip it in place? That's what I used to do when Faith wore hats as a baby" my mother cuts in "I'm gonna take her upstairs with me while your all busy" Kathrine smiles at Michael and I then turns to my mom her and smiles pursed lips and leaves the room with Precious.

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