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Faith's POV

It's been a month since my mom and Dad went public about their relationship and alot of people have been ok with it, but there's also been alot of rumours and gossip being spread by the media since then too.

The media keep saying They keep getting information from an 'anonymous' source, but will all know it's  Enid that's been giving them all this information because even though some of the things are lies, there's been things said that are true and only close family know about.

Michael and I have an interview today so we can discuss all the rumours and gossip and I'm pretty pissed off that the family decided that me and Michael should be the ones doing the interview since they all know how much we hate doing interviews, but we agreed to do it because some of the rumours and other stuff is about us too. We've tried ignoring it, but when there's constantly new stories being written about you every day it gets harder to ignore it and  it's really been affecting Michael the most and we just want to try and put and end to it all the best we can.

After getting ready I go downstairs and Michael is in the living room.

"Precious will you please quit messing around? I don't have time for this today" He frowns and sighs heavily trying to calm himself and get Precious ready, but she continues giggling and kicking her arms and legs around.

"Are you being silly for daddy?" I coo going over, taking Precious from him "I'll finish up while you go get ready" I smile "I'm sorry" he mumbles, looking guilty for getting annoyed with her "I don't know what's wrong with me lately" he sighs. "Your just stressed that's all. Just try and relax a little more"

"I can't just relax. We have take Precious and Mikey to my mother's, then do this interview and then I have to go to the studio and then.."

I peck his lips cutting him "let's just concentrate on getting dressed first" I smile and he smiles back slightly.

"I just don't see why we have to be the ones doing all the interviews when it's your mom and dad who it's mainly about" he shrugs, getting irritated again. "Because my dad's busy with his lawyers and the whole Enid stuff and my mums been stressed out trying to work out how to take care of Brandi and Siggy. I don't wanna be doing this either, but everybody didn't really give us much choice"

"How can she not know how to take care of them? She raised you"  he frowns confused. "Not really. She took care of me during filming and stuff, but once the cameras were off, I had like eight nannies taking care of everything"

"Eight nannies for one kid!?" He widens his eyes "mhm" I nod "she's never been hands on with me and that's why she's finding it difficult"

"Is that why you were always against us having a nanny?" He asks and I nod. "I never really had that close bond with my mom and I don't want that with my own kids" I explain he nods understandably and pecks my lips. "Well you don't have to worry about all that. You have a great bond with Precious and Mikey" he smiles then turns and takes Precious for me, giving her a cuddle. "I'm sorry daddy was being a grumpy butt" he says Softly and she wraps her little arms around him and gives him a kiss on his cheek.

"Can we be best friends again?" He smiles and she sticks her tongue out at him, making us both giggle.

Jackie's POV

"How long will you be gone?" Julie asks nervously as I'm getting ready to leave.

"I have to do some stuff at the studio and then meet with my lawyer and Enid and her lawyer after so I'm gonna be a few hours"

"But what if there's a problem? They don't listen to me the way they do with you and..."

"You'll be fine. Your great with Siggy and Brandi" I reassure her "when their not throwing tantrum at me" she mumbles "their just testing to see what they can get away with. all kids do it and keep in mind everything that's gone on. It's been really stressful for them too" I say softly and she nods and doesn't say anything for a moment.

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