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Michael's POV

I'm in the bedroom getting ready and Faith walks in "Jackie's downstairs" she smiles. "I'm almost ready. Is your mom meeting us there?"

"Mhm.. I can't wait to see!" She smiles excitedly. "Me neither" I smile with the same excitement.

Today's the day of Julie's first scan, we won't get to find out what it is yet, but Faith and I have our still really excited about seeing the baby for the first time.

"You two finally ready?" Jackie smiles as we come downstairs. "Mhm" I nod "relax. It's just a scan" he says softly putting his arm around me, sensing my nervousness. "I just want everything to be ok"

"And it will be. Your gonna see you baby for the first time today" he smiles and I smile back through pursed lips. "Your definitely ok with this?" I ask for the millionth time. "Yes! Billion times yes" he chuckles slightly "this is your baby not mine. yours and Faith, I'm just the lucky one that got to help you" he smiles "You have no idea how much this means to us" I croak

"Hey, what's the matter? It's the woman that are supossed to get hormonal not you" he chuckles "I know, I just still can't believe this is happeneing" I smile "well it is. Your gonna be a daddy" He smiles excitedly. "Plus! It's gonna have the Jackson genes so you know your kids gonna be the cutest baby around" he chuckles making me do the same thing.

Faith's POV

"Are you two ready to see your baby?" My mom smiles and Michael and I nod and turn to the screen and stand in silence just staring at our tiny little boy or girl. "Have you thought of names or anything yet?" She asks half interested, but also texting someone and I shake my head. "We have some, but nothing official yet" I mumble still staring at the screen. "Would umm.. would you two like to see?" The nurse asks akwardly. "I'm good. Those things all look the same anyway" my mom shrugs and continues texting, but Jackie walks towards us and smiles looking at the screen and goes silent for a moment "it's perfect" he smiles

"Are we almost done here? I kind of have to pee" my mom interrupts our moment and we nod and she sighs in relief and gets up to use the restroom.


Michael and I are stood waiting in the lobby for about 10 minutes  and Jackie finally comes out of the room. "Is everything ok?" I ask and he nods and smiles at us through pursed lips "everything's great sweetheart. Come on let's get going"

"But what about my mom?" I frown confused. "Her friends gonna pick her up. They have a meeting or something" he shrugs then walks down the hall towards the car park followed by me and Michael.

Jackie's POV

After the appointment the three of us go back to my parents house to tell them how everything went and everybody was really excited about seeing the sonogram picture Faith and Michael got.

I haven't told anybody about mine and Julie's 'deal' or that I'm the biological father. as far as the rest of the family is aware, Julie's just a surrogate and the baby is there's.

I go into the kitchen to get a drink and once again Janet and LaToya are getting snippy at each other.

"What's happened now?" I sigh rolling my eye's. "Nothing. Just little miss Buzz kill over there trying to ruin the mood... as always" Janet scoffs. "No. All I said was it's wierd that Julie would just offer Faith and Michael her baby like that, especially since she hates them being together and I don't understand why they'd need a surrogate if Michael is the problem" LaToya frowns confused. "Michael's not the problem!" I Frown "Faith also suffered damage when you knocked her down the stairs! It's difficult for both of them not just one"

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