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Michael's POV

I'm in the kitchen making breakfast and Faith sleepily comes in. "morning" she yawns "good morning you two!" I smile pecking her lips "breakfasts almost ready, you sit down and I'll bring it over" I smile turning back to the food. "thanks but you know you don't have to keep fussing. I'm not sick" she giggles sitting and the breakfast bar. "I know, but your pregnant now and you need to be taking things easy" I point out bringing both our plates over. "Michael, you do realise people are gonna find out about this don't you?" She mumbles "and about us"

"we're gonna tells them in a few months anyway" I shrug. "and when they work out the dates, they'll know that..."

"already thought about it" I cut her off "we can just say that we got together shortly after your 18th and you got pregnant straight away and as for the due date, we can say you were early, which happens sometimes... You do want my baby don't you?" I ask nervously and she nods "of course I do"

"then there's nothing to worry about. I know your probably just still in shock, but so was I remember? And still kinda am, but you have nothing to worry about I promise" I reassure her.

I know this isn't the best time or even situation for me and Faith to be in and we're gonna have to do our best to hide it from the public and I know the family will flip when they find out I got Faith pregnant, but I did and the baby's here now and there's nothing we can do about it and even though it's not the best place for us to be right now, I'm actually really excited about the idea of becoming a father.


Faith's POV

I am happy about having Michael's baby and who wouldn't be happy about having a child with the man they love and Michael is so sweet and loving and I know he's going to be an amazing father and will be there and take care of us, but I'm also terrified about people finding out about this. I know the Jackson's won't say anything, but if my mom or the media were to find out then he could get in alot of trouble. I may be 18 in a few months but I'm still only 17 now and if people found out we've been sleeping together he could get arrested for this and this could ruin so much for him it's already going to be hard enough when people find out about Jackie, but if they find out we've been sleeping together while I was underage, it won't just be the media that will be a problem. Michael could actually go to prison for this. I know he's already found a plan for this and it could work saying I got pregnant early into us seeing each other, but that worry of people finding out is still always going to be there.

"I'm gonna call Quincy and let him know I won't be at the studio today" Michael says bringing me from my thoughts "Michael, you can't just keep cancelling your plans for me. Especially when it comes to your work" I shake my head "but, this is important. And we have to speak to the family today too and..."

"and we can do that later. But if you don't go to the studio then your never gonna get you next album finished and you don't wanna leave your fans waiting. You know how much they love you and..."

"and I love them too and I'm sure they'd understand me taking time off. I've finally found a woman I love and who loves me back and makes me happy and we're gonna have the family I've always wanted. I'm sure they'll be happy for me"

"I'm sure they will, but the baby won't be here for months and there's no reason for you to give everything up when you don't need too. You can still work on your music"

"I don't want you to feel neglected or like I'm not doing enough for you and the baby and what if I'm at the studio and something happens or..."

"then I'd call you and I don't feel neglected or like your not doing enough for me. Your doing something you love and bringing happiness to so many people. You have to work alot and I get that. I got it from the start. I'm not gonna hold that against you or expect you to give anything up and I wouldn't want you to either" I tell him honestly. And he doesn't say anything for a moment. "ok, we'll compromise. I'll go to the studio, but your coming with me. I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in your condition"

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