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Julies POV

I've been trying to call Faith for days now and each time it's rang to voicemail. I know me and her have never been close, but after all the letters and pictures getting sent to her house, I thought should would have run straight home by now. I kinda feel bad about the whole 'stalker' thing, but ever since she left my popularity's slowly starting to fade.

I've managed to stay relevant and in the spotlight as the perfect wife and working mother for 17 years, but now Faith's growing up, the deals and offers I was getting have started getting less, just like the paychecks because all the media wants is to see these days is Faith and people are trying to make her the new 'it girl'

As much as I can't stand the ugly, weird skinned little brat sometimes. I have to admit every since I had her, she's brought in alot of money and deals for me. Which is why I need her back with me and away from that sicko Michael before the it's too late.


Michael's POV

"Mmm.. That looks good" I smile creeping up behind Faith wrapping my arms around her. "breakfast looks nice too" I wink pecking her cheek. "someone's in a happy this morning" she giggles turning her head slightly and pecks my lips. "who wouldn't be happy, waking up to a beautiful woman every morning" I moan kissing her neck, sliding my hands to her hips "quit creeping" she giggles playfully nudging me. "ewww! Get a room" I hear Janet and turn seeing her at the breakfast table eating a bowel of cereal. "how long have you been there?" I turn to her confused "Too long! And you seriously gotta work on those lines" she giggles as Faith and I walk over with our breakfast. "so what are your plans for the day?" I ask changing the topic before it gets any more embarrassing. "nothing much. I'm gonna be all lonesome today" she pouts playfully "how about you two?"

"Michael's going to be at the studio all day and I have a free study day" Faith explains "looks I'm having a girly day with Faith instead!" Janet smiles at me and LaToya walks in quickly killing the good mood "free study day means Faith's supposed to be studying. Not sit around watching dirty dancing and painting each others nails" she shrugs walking past us to make herself some coffee "we were gonna braid others hair too" Faith shrugs ignoring her bitchyness. "plus! Patrick Swayze is sooo fine! And the way he moves..." Janet sighs contently "he's not that good looking or much of a dancer" I point out noticing that Faith DID NOT disagree with her comment. "is someone getting jealous?" Faith smirks slightly. "no! I'm just saying.. My dance moves are way better than his" I shrug "awww, baby! Of they are and your way better looking too" Faith smiles pecking my lips "jealous ass" Janet smirks "I'm gonna go take a shower" Faith rolls her eyes playfully and I peck her lips before she's leaves the room.

"we get it!" LaToya says with and attitude once Faith leaves the room "you and her are 'together' you don't have to throw it in our faces" she scrunches her face. "it's 9am how can you be in such a bad mood already?" I frown "well maybe if I hadn't been up all night having to listen to you and Faith. I wouldn't be in such a bad mood" she snaps "what you and her are doing is bad enough without me having to listen to the two of you in the next room having sex all night" she scrunches her face in disgust. "well maybe you'd get a better nights sleep, if you didn't stay up all night perving on me and my girlfriend" I shrug "Niece.. Not girlfriend"

"your still a perv for listening" Janet smirks and LaToya storms out making us both giggle slightly under our breaths.

"just ignore her. She's been a real bitch ever since she started dating that Jack guy"

"it's fine I'm sure we'll get alot of that when we go public anyway" I shrug. "your gonna go public about you two!?" She widens her eyes surprised "well, yeah eventually. Not until Faith's 18 though, but we'll probably have to wait a month or two, then say we just got together. so it doesn't look suspicious"

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