Secrets and lies

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Michael's POV

Since precious was born I've spent most of my time with her and Faith and haven't really been working much on my music, but today I'm going back to the studio and I feel really weird about it and leaving my girls home alone all day. Faith has constantly told assured me they'll be fine, but I'm still unsure about it.

"You still not dressed yet?" Faith says coming into the bedroom. "I thought you were meeting Quincy at 10?" She says looking at the time. "Yeah, about that... Precious has been awake most of the night and it's not fair for me to leave you hear alone when your tierd and..."

"Michael, got to work" she cuts me off. "We'll be fine really" she smiles and pecks my lips. "I just just feel really bad about you being stuck in the house, taking care of a baby by yourself all day"

"That's kinda the job of a stay at home mommy" she giggles slightly and wraps her arms around my neck "and your job is is in the studio"


"Your going" she cuts me off and pecks my lips again. "If it makes you feel better. How about me and Precious stop by the studio later"

"That could work" I smile and kiss her back. I pull her closer and deepen my kiss leading us both onto the bed and just as i'm about to undo my pants, we hear the baby crying in the next room. "Times up" Faith giggles breaking away to go to her. "Aww.. but I was just about to get laid" I pout playfully. "Aww.. maybe next time" she pouts playfully back at me then gets up to see to Precious, while I finish off getting ready.

I love Precious more than anything, but she has really bad timing and if she keeps cutting me off like this she can forget about having any siblings.

LaToya's POV

I'm sitting in the living room and Mother and Janet are sat next to each other cooing over some photo's of the baby Michael has just sent to Janet of the three of them at the studio. I'm not going to say 'their baby' because it not and it doesn't matter how much they she say she is, because she isn't and that fact is never going to change just like the fact the two of them are related isn't going to change.

I do still feel awful for what happened to Faith and their daughter and when I heard Julie was going to be a surrogate I was really happy for them to be getting a second chance. But then when the truth came out about Jackie and even though I was shocked to find out Jackie was the baby's father, I also felt like something wasn't right and still don't. Michael and Faith didn't really seem to upset about the whole thing. Even when they came face to face with Julie and Jackie and all of sudden they both change their minds the second the baby's born and just handed it over and Julie goes on vacation? The rest of the family may not believe me, but know the three of them are hiding something. The rest of the family maybe to blind to see what's right in front of them or maybe their just delusional and refuse to see the truth, but I'm not and I'm gonna find out exactly what's going on.

Michael's POV

"And this is where Daddy records all his songs" I smile showing Precious around the studio. "Supposed to record" Quincy cuts in. "Your daddy's gotten very lazy lately" he chuckles. "Yeah, yeah. We're gonna be heading back soon anyway, so you'll have him all to yourself" Faith rolls her eyes playfully. "Your going already?" I ask a little disappointed, since they've only been here two hours. "Yeah, somebody's getting a little sleepy" she smiles and pecks my lips.

"Why did you have to say that?" I turn to Quincy, when Faith and Precious leave and he looks at me confused. "Saying that I'm supposed to be recording. You made Faith feel awkward about being here"

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