Double crossed

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Faith's POV

Michael told me last night about what's been going on with Enid and I'm still really pissed that not only is she trying to blackmail my family, but the fact that my dad never bothered to tell anybody about it until the night before she's planning on leaking the video.

After getting ready I go downstairs and Michael is finishing up getting the babies ready to go.

"This is stupid. I don't see why I can't just go, instead of you packing me up and sending me away to my grandma's house" I sigh heavily taking Mikey from him.

"I'm not packing you up and sending you away to my mother's house. Your being a little over dramatic" he rolls his eyes. "What would you call it then?"

"I'm just keeping you out of the way while me and Jackie deal with Enid"

"I could have dealt with it myself last night if you hadn't stopped me from leaving the house"

"Faith, storming over there, flipping out and punching her in the face isn't gonna help"

"Would help me feel better" I shrug. "I'm sure it would" he chuckles, walking over to me and pulls me close to him and pecks my lips. "But, we need to stay calm and do this properly"

"How can I stay can't when that bitch is out there with a tape of us and..."

"And I promised you I'd deal with it. And have I ever broke a promise to you?"

"No" I shake my head "then don't worry about it"

"But what if she does leak the tape?" I say nervously and he shakes his head. "Trust me she won't. People have tried leaking certain things before and we managed to stop it before it was to late and we can so the same with this"

"Not in a matter of hours"

"Trust me, it'll be ok" he smiles "now you take the kids to my mothers and i'll meet you there later ok? And remeber don't..."

"Don't mention this to anybody. Because they'll only worry. Yeah yeah" I roll my eyes playfully. "And don't give me attitude either" he chuckles "I love" I say and peck his lips "how's that?"

"It's a little better" he smiles and kisses me once more.

Michael's POV

After reassuring Faith everything  is going to be ok. I drop her and the kids off at my mothers, I make my way over to Jackie and Julie's house.

"I'm sick of all these fucking games. I'm to old for this shit" Jackie sighs, still pissed about all of this. "Well it's all gonna be over soon so just relax" I try and calm him.

"I understand her going after me, but why Faith? She done nothing to her" he frowns "because she blames her for your marriage breaking down and hates that you always take her side on everything and..."

"So he should he's her dad" I cut in "and you two our to blame for your marriage breaking down not us! Yet we're the ones getting blackmailed" I snap.

"Because you and Faith are worth more. Especially in the media anyway. I still get calls asking me to do interviews and people trying to find out personal stuff about you two and your controversial relationship"

"Are you fucking serious!? All that's old news. Nobody cares anymore" I frown. "Maybe you and Faith don't or the rest of your family, but the media still does and would love nothing but to be the reporter that gets to show that tape" Julie explains. "Well that's not gonna happen" I shrug.

"Maybe you two should try and be a little more careful next time and we wouldn't have to keep going through shit like this" Jackie comments.

"Us!? It's your bitch of and ex that went sneaking around filming us. How is this our fault!?" I snap at him. "Well it's not the first time is it!? You may not have known your were being filmed this time, but how many time have you both filmed stuff yourselves!? And then you complain about it and have to go through shit like this because somebody's managed to get their hands on it. And I'm not just talking about sex, I'm talking about all the other dumb shit you both do! Maybe if you two stopped filming yourselves doing stupid shit then you wouldn't have to worry about looking bad in the media!?" He snaps at me.

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