Double lives

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Michael's POV

"Thank's again for that tip off about the press" Jemaine says handing me a drink. I had an interview in the area so I decided to stop by and see Jermaine before I head home. "how did you find out they were gonna print the story anyway?"

"Quincy heard it from somone" I lie "thank God he did! The last thing I need is the media finding out and making me look bad"

"just because I told you about the press getting the story doesn't mean I agree with what you did. You cheated on your wife! And what's worst is that you did with your brothers wife" I point out. "I know and I will speak to Randy... Once he calms down" I'm about to speak and I hear Julie's voice on the TV and look seeing Julie is doing a report on working mothers "oh God! Not this bitch again!" Jermaine rolls his eyes and goes to turn the TV off, but I stop him when I see Faith. "don't tell me you watch this shit?" Jermaine looks at me confused. "have you seen that!?" I point out a clip of Faith. "she's in the arcade with her friends. "So what?" He shrugs. "yeah, by herself! She doesn't have any security or anything"

"she was being filmed by a camera crew if anything happens it'll be filmed. Why does it bother you anyway?" He frowns confused "it doesn't. I'm just saying is all" I shrug innocently "if Julie's gonna flaunt her around in the media like that, then she should get some security for her like our parents did. Look what happened on her prom?"

"she was fighting over a boy. I saw the video on YouTube clearly it wasn't her first fight either"

"I bet Julie bribed the judges to make sure she wins everytime" Jermaine chuckles slightly when a clips of her attending one of Faith's beauty pageant's. "why would she have to bribe the judges? Faith's a good looking girl" I shrug and Jermaine turns to me raising and eyebrow. "you think Faith's good looking? You do realise how wrong that sounds?"

"I didn't mean it like that! I meant she's a pretty girl" I say a little defensively "guess she would be pretty attractive of it wasn't for her bloodline or the fact she's underage.. C'mon let's get some lunch and no jerking off on the way you little pervert" he chuckles switching off the TV. "I was watching that!" I frown "I think it's best we don't watch things that invole Julie Owens" he says in a more serious tone and I nod and get up from the sofa. As much as I don't like that Julie is always putting Faith in front of the media like that. Apart of me does because on the days I don't get to see her face to face I still get to see her beautiful smile, even if it is a fake one for the camera's. I wish I could be there with her and make her smile for real.


Faith's POV

"thank God that's over with" I roll my eyes as we're getting ready to leave. "tell me about it. You did good on the interview though. Wasn't great, but it was good" my mother shrugs. "well I was pissed off! Why did you have give then those video's?" I frown. "because they were cute and the public love seeing little home movie clips like that. Maybe it's time you started doing some YouTube videos. Like make up tutorials and little videos of you hanging out with your friends, stuff like that"

"or maybe I could do a twerk video" I smirk "don't even think about it!" She says seriously "it was a joke... chill" I roll my eyes. "ok, big smiles" my mom says changing the subject and I look at her confused. "we're about to go outside. Now big smiles" I sigh rolling my eyes and put on my fake smile which I have now mastered and head outside to the car with my mom.


I'm in my room messing around with my phone, filming some makeup tutorials and taking photos like my mom told me too and as I'm looking through them to see which ones I want to post, I get to the photos of me and Michael and the 'home movie' me and him made awhile ago and there's a knock on my door and I quickly stop the video as my mom is about to walk in. "can't you knock!?" I snap. "why what were you doing?"

"nothing" I shake my head innocently. "well dinners ready, so come on down"


over dinner the entire conversation is about my mom's work (as always) "so rumour has it Reby Jackson's is a complete sham. We got an insider come in today an told us all about it"

"so what if it is?" I shrug "hey! Watch your attitude with you mother young lady" Fernando snaps at me. "just ignore her. She's always had an attitude problem" my mom shrugs checking her phone. "that doesn't make it ok" he shakes his head then turns to me. "you seriously need to learn to show some respect to your mother" he frowns "me show respect!? She's the one being a hypocrite. Talking about sham marriages and..."

"oh my god! Are you still whining on about your dad?" my mom cuts me off rolling her eyes. "we got broke up like 16 years ago get over it"

"me get over it!? Your the one acting like your still happily married!" I snap "only for the cameras" she shrugs. "you know your dads not exactly perfect either you. He walked out on us! And I've been so nice and kept the media from knowing what a useless man he is that walked out on me leaving me with YOU! So quit acting like some hard done by little girl. I'm the inocent one in all of this"

"maybe we should all just calm down and..."

"quit acting like your my fucking dad!!!" I cut Fernado off mid sentence "don't speak to him like that. You little brat! Fernando is only trying help" my mom snaps and me and I get up and storm out.

"where do you think your going?" I mom says as I'm about to walk out the house. "like you care!" I snap walking out slamming the door behind me.


Michael's POV

I'm having dinner at my mothers house and I get a call from Faith. "I'll be right back" I accuse myself and go outside to take her call.

"I'll call my security and tell them to let you in and I'll be there as soon as possible" I tell Faith after she tells me about what happens with her mother.

"who was that?" my mother asks coming outside "just some business with work" I lie "you sure it wasn't a lady friend?" She smirks "no why?" I shake my head a little defensively "I'm your mother. I know you remember? So who is she? Do I know know her?"

"no" I lie "then why don't you invite her here for dinner sometime so we can get to know her?" She smiles. "she's really shy about meeting knew people and it's not that serious between us yet" I lie. I'd love nothing more to bring Faith here to meet everybody, but if they found out I was even talking to her they'd flip and I can't imagine what they be like if they found out we were dating. We're not having sex, but things are still sexual between us which I know for a fact my family would never accept us that way.


Faith's POV

"has your mother always been like this with you?" Michael's asks when I tell him the entire thing that happened tonight and I nod. "what about your dad? Doesn't he ever step in or even know about the way she is with you?"

"he doesn't care. He's always too busy getting with woman and drinking to worry about me. Sometimes I just feel like I'm just a burden on them. I get that my mom was young when she had me and she's worked hard to build her career, but..."

"so you've never really had him or your mom taking care of you? What about other family members?" Michael frowns "my mom cut all ties with her family once she made it big in the media and I have no idea who my dads family is"

"would you ever want to meet them?"

"not really" I shrug "they've never bothered trying to get in touch with me so why should I go looking for them?"

"maybe they want to, but can't. Have you asked you mom and dad about them?"

"no and I doubt they'd wanna meet me anyway" I shrug

"what makes ypu think that?"

"if they did they would have bothered go get in touch by now... Can we talk about something else? This vibe is to depressing"

"of course. We can do anything you want" he smiles and pecks my lips.

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